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It was really hard to explain to Lexi how I new the two hot new boys in our grade. All I told her is that we were in the same school in Minnesota. I can't let anybody know about my past. But that is going to be extremely hard to do with Holden and Ethan here.
Junior year just got a whole lot harder than expected.
Holden and Ethan have had most of their classes with me so far, and they have made friends with the other badasses/player boys in our school, which doesn't surprise me at all. I was walking to lunch listening to Doomed by Bring Me The Horizon when I was stopped by Mellissa, Another one of my best friends. We have one class together this year, and her locker is like on the other side of the school from mine. We walked to the cafeteria to find Lexi. We found her sitting at our normal table talking to a couple other people. We went over and sat down.

A couple minutes later the whole room went silent as the 7 boys walked into the cafeteria. Holden saw me and made his way over, as well as Ethan. I mentally groaned, why can't they leave me alone. I mean I didn't want them too, but still, couldn't we be friends after school.

They sat down ignoring the protests of the other guys in their little group. And not listening to the girls trying to flirt with them.

"Hey you find ladies how you doing?" Ethan said winking at one of them. I just rolled my eyes, while all the girls swooned. A couple minutes later the other 5 boys came over, Oh hell no, this cant be happening.

"PB, Gisset. What are you guys doing here?" I said smirking at my friends who were getting were getting laughed at by the whole table.

"oh come on TDog don't be that way you know you missed us, cause we missed you." they said returning the smirk. Damn I was hoping that they had forgot about that.

"Wait, why are we sitting with them?" A guy named Justin said looking at me with a disgusted look.

"Because she is our best friend. And if you don't like it then you can leave." Holden said glaring at Justin then smirking. Justin sat there for a minute then got up and left, glaring at Holden. Well looks like they have made an enemy already.

"Wait you guys know each other." A kid named Reece said looking between all three of us.

"Of course, we all went to the same high school in Minnesota." Ethan said looking at me.

"Well imma go." I said as I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I really didn't want them to know how well I knew them. I walked to my locker and got my stuff and walked to my next class. Lunch would be over in 10 minutes anyway. A couple minutes later The bell rang and people started filling into class.


After School:

Mellissa and Lexi drove home, while I walked. I hadn't gotten very far when I heard fast footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Ethan and Holden running to catch up to me. I stopped and they caught up to me. We walked to my house in silence. "Thank god my mom wasnt home." I thought as they followed me upstairs to my room.

"What the hell are you too doing here? For real though this time." I asked seriously.

"We got into trouble. You know that body from a while back. Yeah, well they found it. It was all over they news, So we left and came here." Ethan said. I froze when he said body. I had almost forgotten about that. That is also one of the reasons why I left.
"Wouldn't that look kind of suspicious if two boys that new the kid just up and left?" I asked suddenly paranoid.
"Not if they don't know we new him." Ethan said grabbing ahold of my hand to calm me down.

"Why did you change?" Holden said looking through my closet. Looking for a way to change subject. He thumbed through all my 'nerdy' clothes. But in the very back there were some of my other clothes.

"I needed a change, new to lace new start, right? Plus you guys know how much my mom hated the way I was before." I said half lying half telling the truth.

"No, that's not it. You just don't want people to know the real you." Holden said catching onto my lie.

"I think we should change her back, to the old badass girl she use to be." Ethan said to Holden as if I wasn't there. They seemed to be havin a conversation with their eyes then they turned to me giving me a very evil looking smirk.

"No no no no. I like the new me." I said looking at my feet. I really wanted to me bad again, but I know my mom would never like that.

"Oh come on Babe it would be fun, Just the 3 of us again. Getting into trouble, street racing, parties, road trips. It would be fun. Plus you would get to be with us, and you wouldn't have to hide yourself anymore." Ethan said. Damn why do these guys have to be so convincing. Even though I was already half on board as soon as I seen them this morning. I had to think about my future for a minute, if I did this I would have to not get caught or else I would never get into college. But the thought of street racing did sound fun. And I wouldn't have to cover up my tattoos anymore.

"Ugg, Fine. I'll do it." I said looking at my two best friends.

"Glad to have you back, T-Dog." Ethan said making me laugh. I just hope I don't regret this, even though I probably will in the end.

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