He's sick

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Ashton: Though Ashton was 19, he didn't act like it when he was sick.
"No! It tastes yucky!" Ashton whined as you tried to feed him the medicine the doctor had prescribed him. He had strep throat, which meant he had to take antibiotics at least twice a day.
"Ashton, you are 19. Grow up and take your damn medicine like a man," you yelled at him while straddling him on the bed for the 30th time today.
"Well, [Y/N] we can do MANY other things in this position," he winked cheekily as you narrow your eyes at him.
"Fine, close your eyes for me babe," you whispered in his ear seductively.
"Gladly," he agreed, closing his eyes just as you shoved a spoonful of medicine into his mouth.
"Good boy," you pecked his cheek as you watched him painfully swallow the medicine down.
"You're mean, [Y/N]," he whined after you exited the room and closed the door, throwing the bed cover over his head.

Calum: "Cal, are you absolutely sure you're not sick? Because you definitely sound like you are," you warned Calum for the 13th time in the last 30 minutes.
"Come on, [Y/N]. I'm fine!" He tried to reassure you, but once again, his coughing gave it away.
"You have a concert next week, you can't be performing while you're sick," you scolded him.
"But I just want to watch this movie!" He pouted as you started pulling him out of the movie theater.
"You can watch this movie with me another time, we're going home."
He continued to pout the entire time, even as you managed to drag him into the doctors office.

Luke: "[Y/N]!" Luke whined, dragging out your name as he called you from your bedroom while coughing.
"Yes?" You asked, popping your head through the door.
"Come here," he whined and patted the empty space on the bed next to him. "Come lie down with me."
"Not a good idea Lukey, I'm definitely gonna get sick from you," you replied.
"Then I'll get to take care of you," he winked as you walked over to him.
"Though Doctor Hemmings has a nice ring to it, I'm gonna have to say no to your offer," you pecked him on the cheek as an apology and tucked him in, even though he was busy whining and complaining.
"Goodnight Dr. Hemmings," you pulled the door shut and let him rest.

Michael: "Okay, you cannot talk or else you won't be able to perform tomorrow night, or maybe even for the rest of the week," you told your boyfriend Michael, who had lost his voice after his last show.
He nodded in response, and turned his iPhone on to begin furiously typing up a text to someone.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket, as Michael looked back at you. You pulled your phone out and opened up the text message Michael had just sent you.
I love you, Nurse [Y/N]. And you know... Nurses are pretty hot. ;) his text to you said.
You giggled, looking back up to see him wink at you and stick his tongue out. He still managed to make you feel special, without even saying anything.

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