He sees you cry

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Ashton: You were sitting on the couch with one of your best friends having a movie night. One of your favorite movies to watch was Les Mis. You and her knew all the lines and the words to every song. Your favorite part was fangirling over Aarong Tveit and Eddie Redmayne. It was towards the end of the movie when Eponine and Marius sang 'A Little Fall of Rain'. You and your friends sat together holding onto each other singing the words. You started crying first. Your friend had watched it so much she didn't cry as much she got choked up but no balling but her death still killed you. At the end of the song when Enjolras carries her body away you completely lost it. Your friend got up to get some tissues for you when the front door opened Ashton walking in. "Hello y/n I'm back..." he stopped seeing you on the couch crying. "Oh shit y/n what's wrong are you okay" he said sliding next to you on the couch pulling you close to him. Your friend walked back and saw you two sitting together "Oh hey Ash Eponine just died so she's a wreck give her a minute until Gavroche dies then she'll really lose it" You started crying even more at the thought of Gavroche dying. "Oh God I'm sorry she died" Your friend laughed to her self-realizing that Ashton thought Eponine was a real person "No Ashton Eponine is a character in Les Mis" He got it and held you close. "I've never seen you cry like this and I hate it" Your tears stopped falling "Thanks Ash...y/f/n we have to finish the movie and get you to cry" "Hell no are we watching Enjolras die" Your friend sat down next to you for the rest of the movie.
Michael: You woke up earlier than your boyfriend, not that unusual. You crept downstairs with the book you were reading in hand. You curled up on the couch excited to read it. After a little bit you were on the final pages tears streaming down your eyes. You finished the book and rested it down on the table in front of you. Your crying turned into a full on sob. "Holy shit how could that happen! I hate this he loved her and that why the fuck" You didn't realize how loud you were until Michael came running down the stairs half asleep "Babe what's wrong why are you yelling?" he stopped in front of you seeing you crying. Your head was on your knees curled up and you didn't hear him coming "Why are you crying? What happend" He walked over the the couch sitting down and pulling you into his lap. "Y/n what is happening?" "You tried to explain but thinking of the ending of the book made you cry even more. So you just reached over and handed him the book. "This? This is why you're crying? Because of a book?" You nodded your head leaning further into his chest. "Oh babe I do love you" he laughed stroking your hair. After a few minutes you were able to pull yourself together "I look like a mess holy shit that was depressing I'm so sad now" "Come on nothing should ever make you that sad I don't like seeing you sad because it makes me sad I only ever want to see you smile"

Luke: You had played softball your entire life. You played during school and even played on a summer league. So you pretty much played all year. You were a pitcher so injuries were relevant but they happened not very often. You were the starting pitcher for this game against your team's rivals. You really wanted Luke to be there but he wasn't sure if he could make it. You were a little sad until you walked out onto the pitcher's mound seeing Luke in the stands with a homemade jersey with your name and number on it and a sign that said "Pitchers give it faster...I should know ;)" he held the sign up when you walked out with your team. You giggled and shook your hand. It was the 3rd inning and your team was winning. The next batter came up and you threw it hard and fast. Everything happened so fast you didn't even know what happened one second the ball was leaving your hand the next it was coming right back at you hitting you right on the side of the head. You fell onto the ground as your parents, your coach, your teammates and your boyfriend ran out to you. You didn't really know what was going on but what you did know was that hurt like hell. You started crying holding your head. Luke tried to roll you over to look at him. He leaned into your air to try to get your mind off of the pain "Babe listen to me" he said softly but still in his deep voice "No one else is here just me and you concentrate on me no one else and not the pain" He wiped the tears from your face "Tears should never fall from those beautiful eyes of yours never" He continued whispering in your ear sweet compliments and corny jokes until paramedics came over lifting you onto a stretcher. "2 of you can ride with her" Your mom looked at your dad then Luke "Luke you seem to be keeping her calm why don't you ride and keep doing what you're doing and Honey you meet us there". Luke wrapped his hand in yours and continued whispering in your ear. You felt like you were about to pass out. "Luke I seriously feel like I'm going to pass out a die" "Babe you can't do that stay with me" He started whispering in your ear corny sex jokes and he was trying to talk dirty but was failing miserably. You started to giggle. Before you knew it you were at the hospital being taking into the ER. Luke and your mom had to wait outside for you. Thankfully you weren't seriously hurt but softball would have to be put on hold for a while because you had a pretty bad concussion.
Calum: Calum had just confirmed in a live interview that you two were dating and you opened twitter to see everyone's reaction. For the most part everyone loved you guys together. Everyone shipped you two and were even trying to come up with a couple name that was pretty hilarious to read everyone's ideas. As you scrolled down your interactions you began seeing the "mean" comments and tweets: "God she's so disgusting she's only with Cal for his fame" "why are you guys shipping then they're awful together". After a while of reading the messages you couldn't take anymore, you began to believe what they were saying that you and Calum just weren't good together. You sat back in your bed staring at the ceiling as a single tear left your eye. You quickly wiped it away. The tweets were still in the back of your mind as you tried to go to sleep. You fell asleep but only for an hour or so. Your eyes were still puffy and red and your nose was still stuffed when Calum walked into your room. You curled up next to you spooning. You let out a little sniffle so Calum leaned over and turned on the lamp and saw your eyes "Why were you crying?" "Do you ever think we're not supposed to be together that we're blind to what other people can see?" Calum sat up and looked at you "What the hell are you talking about?" "Did you ever just think that maybe we made a mistake?" "Why would you ever think that? We're together and I love you and you love me I don't understand, who told you that we shouldn't be together?" you paused for a moment not wanting to hurt Calum and now wanting to hurt the fans. "Your fans" you said coldly as you opened your computer to show him the tweets. You read the new ones over his shoulder and you felt your eyes feel with tears again. He shut the computer quickly tossing it to the side "They are not fans true fans love whoever I love, true fans love you those are rude inconsiderate assholes that don't really care about the band or me true fans love us together" Calum took out his phone and tweeted "True fans love who I love all of you sending hate to @y/t/n need to stop". You were still pretty upset so Calum laid down with you cuddling until you felt much better about your relationship with the boy you loved.

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