The others tease you about sex

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"Goooood morning!" Calum sang as you and Michael walked into the kitchen and you waved as Michael greeted them back happily, going over to a fruit bowl and picking up an apple, observing it as if he knew so much about apples and this specific type. He tossed it in his hands as he looked up at the three boys sitting across from the two of you as you made coffee.
"What did you guys end up doing last night?" Michael asked as you poured the coffee into the cup.
"We just stayed at home and watched television. What about you?" Luke asked as you sipped on your coffee, looking over at Michael.
"We watched the news, had a political debate, played some scrabble, did a Sudoku-"
"You guys had sex." Ashton cut Michael off as you choked on your coffee, feeling your cheeks heat up a little.
"No we didn't," you said as Michael shrugged, biting into his apple.
"We did," Michael said nonchalantly and you sighed, trying to hide your amused smile as you walked past Michael to go upstairs, yelping quietly as he gave your bum a small pat.

Luke- You made your way into your kitchen, greeting Michael, Ashton and Calum nonchalantly as they sat by the kitchen bench. It wasn't too much of a surprise to you that the three boys were over at this time of the morning; they barely even leaved your house that you lived in with Luke. You scratched your neck, hissing quietly as it stung. Immediately your eyes widened in realization and embarrassment; you had a hickey.
Luke made his way downstairs, greeting all the boys with a yawn before walking over to you. Immediately your eyes traced his body, checking for anything and you bit down on your lip nervously as you saw small love bites trailing around his collar bone. Luke smirked, thinking you were checking him out and you felt your cheeks heat up as you turned to face your back to the boys.
Breaking the silence, Ashton started to clap slowly, Michael and Calum soon joining in. Confused, you turned around and raised an eyebrow. Luke repeated your actions, giving the boys in front of you a weird look.
"LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR Y/N AND LUKE!" Michael cried as the boys were suddenly giving you standing ovations.
"Why the hell are you clapping?" You asked as they started doing wolf whistles and cheers.
"YOU AND LUKE DID THE DIRTY LAST NIGHT!" Calum sang immaturely as the other boys started to laugh and immediately you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as Luke rolled his eyes, trying to hide the smirk on his face from his friends' antics.
"I'm just going to go upstairs and die," you excused yourself, hiding your face behind your hair as the boys continued to laugh.

You walked downstairs, playing with the hem of Calum's shirt and walked into the kitchen, grinning when you saw Luke, Michael and Ashton sitting there, a stack of pancakes next to them.
"What's this?" You asked as you walked past them to make yourself a coffee.
"We made pancakes," Michael said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, which you figured it kind of was pretty obvious, but you still smiled at the kind gesture.
"Thanks!" You said but Luke swatted your hand away, causing you to frown in confusion.
"We didn't say they were for you," he said and you smirked as Ashton took one and bit into it.
"They're for us," he finished for Luke, his mouth full of pancake. You laughed and stole one anyway, running upstairs as they cried out how evil you were and you chuckled, stepping into the bedroom to see Calum had woken up. You walked over to him and smiled, giving him the other half of your pancake. He smirked down at it, already knowing the boys would be downstairs and stood up, placing a light kiss on your lips. His hand slid one of the sleeves of his shirt that you were wearing down your shoulder to reveal a small purple mark on your collar bone; a hickey. He smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry," he said and you laughed, pushing against his bare back so he would go downstairs and you could have a shower. Once he was gone you threw off the shirt and hopped into the shower, finally feeling properly awake. When you stepped out you saw your phone was lit up with a Twitter notification and you raised an eyebrow, sliding your finger across your phone to view the Tweet.
You bit down on your lip nervously as you clicked on the link to view the photo, revealing an image of Calum with his back towards the camera. Along his back were faded red marks; scratch marks. Immediately you felt your cheeks heat up and you groaned; you were definitely going to kill Luke for this.

You rolled over in the bed, slowly opening your eyes and looking around the room. You stretched slightly in the bed and looked beside you, Ashton still fast asleep. You smiled a little before hopping out of the bed gently so you wouldn't wake him up and slipped into one of his tanks, quietly walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. You nearly had a heart attack when you saw Calum, Luke and Michael sitting by the kitchen bench, grinning at you as you walked in.
"Y/N!" They all cried and you smiled, waving as you walked behind them and went to go make yourself a coffee. You heard them whispering quietly amongst yourselves and turned around, smirking.
"What's with the secrets?" You asked and they immediately shut up, Luke and Calum going a little red whilst Michael just smirked at you.
"It's nothing," Michael assured you and you raised one eyebrow before turning back to the boiling kettle that was almost ready. You made your coffee as you heard footsteps coming into the room and you turned around to see Ashton standing by the doorway only in his boxers, stretching slightly as he yawned.
"Hey boys," he said tiredly as he walked over to where you were standing, making himself a coffee too. This time, all three of them were smirking and with exasperation you set your coffee cup down on the bench and placed a hand on your hip.
"What is it?" You asked and Calum let out a giggle, turning away when you shot him a questioning look.
"Oh,'s just," Michael looked up from the bench at you before his eyes adverted to Ashton before looking back at you again. "Ashton's sex hair and the horribly large hickey on your make it too easy for us, really," Michael said and immediately your hands flew to your neck as Ashton's flew to his hair. Your cheeks heated up as the spot you touched felt tender and bruised and you awkwardly excused yourself to go to the bathroom and check it out. You walked into the small bathroom and looked into the mirror, immediately noticing the large hickey left from Ashton the night before. It was already going purple and you sighed; there was no way you could cover that up. You heard laughter come from the other side of the door and groaned; exactly how were you going to walk back into the kitchen and face those three boys again?

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