You're on your period

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Ashton: Everything was pissing you off, even your boyfriend Ashton. It was that time of the month, and Ashton never let you forget it. "Hey [Y/N]... What's bleeding out of your vagina feel like? I bet it's fun!" He grinned. "Ha. Ha. You're just hilarious, Ash," you said back to him sarcastically. "Wait how do you even put a tampon up there? Is it like when I put my-" you cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Is this all you're going to talk about? Because I can just leave if you're going to make fun of me because of my period," you threatened him. He threw his arms around you and pouted, preventing you from leaving. Later he let you drag him around the mall to go on a shopping spree for hours.

Calum: "So, [Y/N]. I know you're feeling all shitty this week. And it's definitely not YOUR fault, it's like mother nature's or someone's. You're not the only one, tons of girls go through this as well. It's completely normal and it just naturally happens every month out of your vagina for some weird reason. I don't remember, we didn't learn much in health class. Do you want something? Chocolate? Um... Tampons?" Your boyfriend rambled while sitting on the couch next to you and rubbing your stomach. "Sure," you giggled at his awkwardness, "but I need something more." "What's that? More pads, candy, tampons? Whatcha need?" He asks. "I need you," a smile spreads across his face as you pack him on the lips.

Luke: Your phone vibrated on your leg, telling you that you had a text message. 'Wassup [Y/N]?' The message said. 'Nothing really, just lying here on my bed in pain,' you texted back, groaning. After a couple of minutes you checked your phone to see that Luke hadn't texted back, as usual. You decided to take a nap to relieve some of your pain. You didn't know how long you slept, but you could tell it wasn't for long since it was still a bright sunny afternoon. As you woke, you felt a pair of arms around your waist and a head nuzzled into your neck. "Hey baby," Luke's voice greeted you. "Luke?" You asked, turning around in his arms to face him. Your lips curled into a smile, mirroring his. "I got you chocolate, pads, and your favorite chick flicks," his small smile grew more. "You're perfect, you know that?" You kissed him.

Michael: Your boyfriend Michael, canceled the third date of the week. You were pissed and a bit suspicious, which was why you decided to call him up. "Hello?" A tired voice answered, the same voice that manages to give you butterflies even when your mad. You shook off the weird feeling you felt before asking, "Why have you been avoiding me?" "What? No hi?" Michael joked. Your silence was an answer good enough for him. "Sorry babe. It's just um... you said you're on your period and I um... I don't know what to do..." You giggled, "Seriously?" "Yeah..." You heard him laugh nervously. "Don't be worried. I'm just a bit mad that you were ignoring me. How about you come over to make it up?" You bit your lip, worried about the answered. "Sure baby," You could just hear a smile in his voice.

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