Hes off limits pt.4

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Ashton: "Just don't think about him," your friend commands, dragging you into yet another store. "I'm tired of shopping," you whine. "Well I'm not letting you sit at home and sulk," she replies, "It's been a week since you-know-who and it's time to get out there again!" "Maybe I should've called him back," you sigh, "He called me again this morning." "It doesn't matter how many times he calls you, there's no excuse for what he did," your friend insists. After another half hour the two of you are wandering through the mall in search of another store. "Y/n!" You freeze, knowing exactly whose voice was calling your name. You turn on the spot and see Ashton jogging toward you. "Y/n," he says again, stopping in front of you. "Ashton," you say with a curt nod. "Can - can I talk to you?" He asks. "You're talking right now," you point out. He laughs, but continues, "Can I talk to you alone?" He glances at your friend who looks ready to beat him up. "Fine," you sigh, wanting to get her away from Ashton. "It'll only be a minute," you tell your friend before walking off. "I called you," Ashton states as you walk. "I know," you reply. "Oh," he says, looking at his feet, "Let's sit here," he motions to a bench and you follow. "I really screwed up," Ashton says immediately, "I really liked you for a really long time and I acted on it and it wasn't because I was drunk. I had one drink! It was because - I don't know why. Maybe because I was tired of pretending not to notice you. Maybe because I liked the taste of your lips. Maybe because you're beautiful and funny and strong-willed and I love that about you. I don't know. And I probably shouldn't have acted on it. Or maybe I should've told your brother. I don't know the protocol for liking your best friend's sister! And then he found out the worst way possible and I don't blame him at all for hitting me I would've done the same thing. But then I was scared, y/n. And I felt awful. And then I lied to you and I told you it didn't mean anything but the truth is it did. And I've explained this all to your brother and I'm trying to explain it to you now, but I'm talking way too much so I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I think I'm in love with you." "Oh," you say quietly, nodding. "Oh?" Ashton repeats. "What did my brother say? When you told him that?" "Oh," Ashton said, making you laugh. "Then what?" You persist. "He said that if you still wanted it, we have his blessing," Ashton mumbles. Without another word you kiss Ashton, taking him by surprise. "Oh," Ashton laughs, his face turning red.
Michael: You hear a knock at your door and hurry to answer it. "Oh hey," you greet Michael, letting him in, "I was just about to leave for your house." "What a coincidence," Michael muses. You lead him to the couch and have a seat next to him. There is a moment's silence before the two of you both speak, sounding like, "Imwanry tormaleav yongakay." You laugh, looking at your feet to hide your reddening cheeks. "Go ahead," you mumble. "I wanted to make sure you were okay," Michael says "I probably should've come over right after the coffee shop incident, but I didn't know if you'd want to see me." "Well I wanted to say sorry for leaving you there," you state, "and then not talking to you. It wasn't really fair of me. You didn't do anything wrong." "That's alright," Michael shrugs, pulling you into a hug. "Have you talked to -" You shake your head, knowing Michael was going to ask about your friend. "I don't think we'll talk ever again," you sigh. "I'm sorry," Michael mumbles. "Don't be," you say, "She was always a pretty bad friend." "It's her loss," Michael says honestly, hugging you again. You nod against his chest, wanting to believe what he said. "Michael?" You say into his chest. "Yeah?" He says, looking down at you. "Am - am I a bad friend, too?" You try to sound casual, but you know that the shaking of your voice gives away your concern. "Of course not," Michael states firmly, "You're the nicest, most selfless person I know." "You're just saying that," you sigh. "Maybe," Michael admits, "But it was still a pretty nice thing to say wasn't it?" You laugh, looking up and pecking Michael's lips. "Thanks," you say, "for making me feel better." "That's what I'm here for," MIchael states, kissing the top of your head.
Calum: "I'm gonna tell my boss today," you tell Calum over the phone. "Tell him what?" Calum asks. "About you and me!" You clarify. "Oh! Are you sure?" He asks, "What if you lose your job?" "He's gonna find out eventually," you say, "At least this way it'll come from me." "Okay," Calum sighs. "Ooh here he comes!" You whisper into the phone, "I gotta go!" "Am I still picking you up tonight?" Calum asks before you can hang up, "Yes now I gotta go!" You hang up the phone, leaving Calum with no idea what's going on. Calum spends most of the day pacing or trying to find things to occupy him until it was time to get you. Finally Calum pulls up in front of your office. He parks the car, running around to open the door for you. "How'd it go?" He asks eagerly. "Good!" You shout, wrapping your arms around Calum's neck as he lifts you in a bone-crushing hug. "You're not fired?" He asks, setting you back down. "Nope! I just can't work with you guys anymore," you explain, "Which is fine because you guys are impossible to work with anyway." "Hey!" Calum pouts out his bottom lip, looking sad. "No offense," you laugh, kissing his cheek. "Now it doesn't have to be a secret!" He shouts, looking thrilled. "Y/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" He yells out, making you blush. "Cal, stop you're embarrassing me!" You squeal as other employs give the pair of you strange looks. "OH I'M EMBARRASSING Y/N MY GIRLFRIEND!" He shouts, beginning to tickle you. "Cal!" You screech, "Stop!" You laugh uncontrollably, falling to the ground. "C'mon!" He says finally, helping you up, "We have to go celebrate!" You get in the passenger seat and Calum runs around, hopping into the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" You ask. "I don't know," Calum shrugs. He rolls down his window, sticking his head out and yells, "Y/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" You laugh, and mimic him, rolling down your own window. "CALUM HOOD IS MY BOYFRIEND!" You scream. "Now you just sound like a crazy fan," Calum points out, laughing.
Luke: "I know you're home!" You yell through the door of your best friend's house. "Please talk to me! Your coffee's getting cold!" You hear the door unlock and see your friend standing there. "A peace offering," you state, handing over the coffee. She takes it and takes a hesitant sip. "Will you talk to me now?" You ask hopefully. She sighs, but steps back to let you inside. "Go up and get Luke," she tells you, "Come down to the living room and we'll talk." You take the stairs two at a time and knock at Luke's door. "Come in!" He calls. You swing the door open and he looks up, surprised to see you. "How'd you get in here?" He asks. "I brought coffee," you explain, laughing a little. "We're wanted downstairs," you tell him. He hops up and follows you out of his room. "Has it been bad here?" You ask as you walk down the hall. "She hasn't said a word to me," Luke shrugs. You reach the living room and file in, taking a seat on the end of the couch, Luke sitting at the other end. You look to the chair your friend is seated in, sipping her coffee, and you wait for her to speak. "I want you guys to tell me the truth," she commands quietly. You both nod. "Was that the first time?" You hesitate, but shake your head. "How many times?" She asks calmly. "One other," Luke answers, "Before I left for America." She nods and turns her attention to you. "Is that why you came over?" She asks. "No. Never. I didn't know Luke was in town," you respond. "Why didn't you tell me after the first time?" She asks you, taking another sip of coffee. "I figured it didn't matter. I didn't plan on it happening again," you explain. "Why did it happen again?" She inquires. "I went to his room to tell him that it couldn't happen again, even though I liked him," you begin, "but we got caught up in the moment." "Wait. You really like him?" She asks, struggling to keep the calm tone she had been using. You nod ever so slightly. "Did you before the first time?" You nod again. She pauses and then turns to Luke."You like y/n?" She asks, returning to her serious tone. "I really do," he says, glancing at you and smiling. She sighs, taking a long gulp of coffee. "Fine," she groans, "but let me leave the room before you make out." She gets up and winks at you before leaving. Luke turns to you, grinning broadly, and leans in, letting his lips connect with yours. "Finally," he sighs into your mouth.

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