how you kiss

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Luke: He would be the type of guy who is really into lip biting. Sometimes his lip ring would get in the way, but when you two shared a kiss, you couldn't help but love the feeling when the silver ring touched your lips. If you guys were in public, he would immediately peck you on the cheek just to show everyone that you're his. When your in the comfort of your own home, however, he would always grab you fiercely and smash his lips to yours. You would love it, obviously. He could always tell when he turns you on from the way you moan into his mouth. While you two were kissing, he would never stop chuckling whilst biting your lip, because hes always a cheeky little fuck.

Calum: Because he is blessed with those plump lips of his, you could never stop kissing him. He was always so kissable. Calum is a guy who is really into hugging you while you kiss. He would wrap his arms around your waist and maybe even grab your ass while hes at it. He would smirk devilishly, because he know how much you liked it when he did that. Just like Luke, he is a bit of a lip biter; he would never get tired of grabbing your lip between his teeth. When you two kiss, your hands would subconsciously tangle in his brown locks. He would always cheekily smile because it was one of his turn-ons when you did that.

Michael: Mikey, he's really into picking you up. When you kiss, you share some sort of connection and lets just say, it would always lead with your legs wrapped around his waist. In public, you would always beg for him not to kiss you because you hated PDA and you could never control yourself. But, in your mind you were disagreeing. Its also hard for him to control himself in public, because he just always loved the feeling of his body close to yours and the way you kiss him. He loved the taste of your lips. When he's feeling cheeky, which is normally all the time, he will sometimes lightly tap your ass if you walked past him.

Ashton: Everyone knows Ash for his extremely ginormous hands. When you two kiss, he would never keep his hands off you. He would always smirk into the kiss because he loved the way you reacted when his hands would travel from your sides, to your back, then back up to your face. Ash's hands would always cup your face, and yours would subconsciously wrap around his neck, because you both loved the feeling of being close to each other. He would also love it when you play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. It would always give him shivers, and you would always chuckle at the sight of him.


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