XII | Hold Me Tight

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HI GUYYYS! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! This has been a really slow progress. I'm sorry!

Annd! For Christmas, I made a gift for both EXO-Ls and ARMYS! If you would just go to the links down below, you would see my present for everyone!

Thank you so much for staying guys! You are the best!

Chae Rin's P.O.V

It was Sarturday today, and finally! I get to go home to my parents!

I clutched my bag tighter as I boarded the train to Busan (see what I did there?)

My stomach grumbled.

I'm gonna have to eat Jjajangmyeon when I arrived there. I'm hungry!

It's a long ride and I slept for half of the journey.

When the view suddenly started to seem familiar again, I brought my phone out.

I pressed the home screen button but it didn't turn on.

Huh? I'm pretty sure I charged it last night.

I tried turning on the power switch.

I felt and saw the familiar start up image and vibration. "There we go." I say.

I received 6 messages so far but I didn't bother to open them yet. I called my mom immediately.

"Yeoboseyo? Eomma?" I start. "Yeah. I'm almost near the station. Are you gonna be there?" I ask.

"Yeah. Your brother and I are already here. We're thinking of getting Jjajjangmyeon. You up for it?" She asks.

"Heol! Daebak (Amazing!) I was thinking of the same thing a while ago!" I exclaim. "Okay. Okay, I'll see you outside the stration then. Bye!"

I look outside the window.

"This is home." I smiled.


"Eommaaaaa!!!" I scream out as I hug her.

"Yah. Park Chae Rin! I'm here too!" My brother, Bo Gum says.

"Hyung!" I say hugging him

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"Hyung!" I say hugging him.

"You should call me 'oppa' you know! You're a girl!" He complains.

"Eh? But that's too girly! Don't complain anymore hyung!" I say.

"But at least call me 'oppa' once!" He pleads.

"Fine!" I say.

I hear my mom laugh. "Okay you two. Let's get in the car!"

My brother takes my bag and puts it in the trunk.

"Say, Chae Rin-ah. Why didn't you get taller?" Bo Gum teases.

"Eomma!" I complain.

He closes the trunk and goes for the front.

"Na-uh! Shot gun!" I shout and Bo Gum stops in his tracks.

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