XVI | As Long As Chicken is Present

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Like really? How can someone be this stupid? The atmosphere was there! It was all sweet and sentimental.

But noooooo, Park Chae Rin's stupidity had got the best of her and ruined the moment!

Really woman?! Really?

I stare in disbelief at Jimin-hyung who was laughing so hard right now.

"I can't believe you'd meet someone as dense as you Jungkookie! Aigoo!" He says ruffling my hair.

"Yah!" I shout at him.

"Brat!" I received a fatal blow on the back of my neck. "I'm still your hyung! Little piece of sh--"

"Park Jimin! What is that profanity I hear?!" Jin shouts from across the room.

"Shit." Jiminie whispered.

Then a shoe flew out of nowhere. It was probably meant to hit Jimin hyung but since he was too short, it flew over his head.

"You missed, hyung!" I shouted.

"Oh. Was he too short?" Jin shouted back.

"Why am I still living with you people?" Jimin says as he hung his head in disbelief and walked away.

I began to walk upstairs as well but I hear Jimin hyung call my name.

I looked back and saw him smiling at me.

"If I was you, I'd tell her straight away. I don't want to lose someone stupid as me like Park Chae Rin." He stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked out the door.

Oooh. That was dramatic. But he's right.

I was now contemplating whether to walk ahead upstairs, or go to Chae Rin's house and confess.

I did not choose the latter.

Each step I took climbing the stairs was heavy. But I'm too much of a coward to face my predicament and just collapsed in my bed.


I hear my phone ring.

2 am.

Who in the world would be texting at this hour?!

I checked my inbox and immediately rolled my eyes.

On my screen was the sentence: I'm hungry

Sent by Park Chae Rin.

I replied back by saying: You have a fridge, now go and eat something.

Then I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

1 message received

From: Park Chae Rin
But I have no food left. I can't cook.

I sighed.

Park Chae Rin's P.O.V

It was 2:30 already and my stomach was causing an uproar.


I rolled over my back and screamed into the pillow.

I'd give my kidneys up for anything at this point!

I was about to give up and try to sleep it off but suddenly I hear a knock on my door.

I don't have a peep hole so I can't see who's outside.

Fvck. Is it a kidnapper?

A murderer?

A terrorist?

I got up and went to my kitchen.

I hear the knock again.

I grabbed a knife off the counter and slowly walked to the door.





I positioned the knife ready to strike as I unlocked the door and turned the knob.

I gripped the knife tighter and opened the door.

"What the fuck are you doing?" His voice came.

"Jungkook?!" I asked dropping the knife. "Holy shite bro! You scared me wtf!"

He bends down and picks the knife up.

"We're you seriously gonna stab me with this?" He asked, oh so calmly.

"If you planned on killing me, then I would've." I answered, letting him in.

"This is how you treat your savior?" He asked placing a couple of plastic bags on the counter.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"I was gonna cook for you but you're probably really hungry and would constantly whine over my shoulder while I'm cooking. So fuck that." He says taking out a box which I suspect was half-half chicken. And 4 cans of coke.

"Kookie!" I exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "You made me love you more!"

Half true. I was aware of my feelings for Jungkook, but I'm not ready to say it out loud in a serious manner yet.

Jungkook was silent, so I decided to open the box. And disappointed was I not!

2 am hot chicken in Korea is the best! Especially if it was delivered to you by your best friend slash crush slash childhood bestfriend slash I'm-helping-him-get-a-girl-aside-from-me friend!

"I'm gonna enjoy this! Thank you very much!" I say as I reached out of a leg.

"Yah. Chae Rin-ah! Slow down! I made a trip here already! I don't wanna make a trip to the hospital as well because of you choking!" He says opening up a can of coke and handing it to me. 

I accepted and gulped down a third of the can.

"Okay okay. But why are you so nice to me? What in the world did eomma Seokjin feed you?" I asked swallowing the chicken I was chewing.

"Aish! Keep your mouth shut when you're chewing will you? I feel like I'm more feminine than you are and it scares me." He says leaning back against the chair and crossing his arms.

"We're gonna debut in a few days and I should at least treat you something." He continued.

"At 2 am? Wah. That's a record even for you Jungkook-sshi." I say grabbing another piece of chicken. "You're girlfriend would be so lucky. I better find her fast!"

My heart tightened as I said so. I don't want him to find her. I wish he'd just stayed with me.

The atmosphere changed and the only thing keeping it from being awkward is the sound I make when I chew.

"I was.." he starts. "I was hoping whether you'd like to reconsider our deal."

I was taken aback by his words.

"What?" I asked stopping my late night eating spree to wipe off my mouth with a tissue. "What do you mean?"

"Chae Rin-ah." He says looking into my eyes. "I like you."

My eyes widened in surprise for the nth time this morning.

The silence was deafening.

I knew I had to say something.


Say yes.


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