Not the only one (part 1)

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{In this short story you are a vampire, you were turned by an unknown​ vampire around 5 years ago. You moved to Mystic falls last summer and befriended Elena Gilbert.}

"You have to come! Come on [Y/N], please, for me. You can't ditch the first day of school!"

Elena was impatiently wiggling around on my bed. Her perfectly straight hair dancing with every move she made. She came over last night because I was thinking about ditching school so I didn't have to participate in any stupid introduction games.

"I don't really feel like introducing myself to every one. Three times."

I turn around in the chair I was sitting in, doing my nails. I thought she came over to ask me to come to school, drop the subject and later have a little girls night together. Who knew Elena Gilbert could be so persistent. Who knew her pushing attitude would change my life.


I walk through the double doors at the front of the school. Elena en Bonnie to my right and Caroline at my left. The three musketeers turned to four last summer when Elena introduced me to her two best friends. I immediately befriended the two girls.

Going to school is still kinda hard. All the students walking so close past me, there heartbeat pulsating in their arteries. The blood streaming trough the veins on their arms, the heat of their body temperature radiating off of them...

"[Y/N]! Helloo, earth to [Y/N]!"

Bonnie's hand waves in front of my face. Bonnie is the only one who knows my secret, as a witch, she only needed one touch to find out there was something different about me.

"Sorry, zoned out the for a moment. Let's get to class."

Caroline and Elena walk in front as me and Bonnie fall behind a bit.

"Maybe you're not ready for school?"
Bonnie whispers soft enough so Caroline and Elena can't hear us.

"What do you mean? I can hang out with you guys all day. Why wouldn't I be able to handle a day at school?"

"Your eyes changed, like they do before you... Lose control or something. You got to be careful that nobody sees that."

"I will, don't worry. I got this Bonnie."

We walk into our first class of the day and scattered through the classroom. As I sit down at my desk an uneasy feeling comes over me. If I still had the capability to shiver, I would have.

I avoid looking through the classroom. But of course Bonnie felt it too. She leans towards me a bit as she whispers so soft that only a vampire can hear it.

"You're not alone."


When the bell rings I quickly turn around. Only to find Elena walking out of class with the reason Bonnie and I felt so uneasy. A tall man, brownish hair that look tousled. His movements are swift as he walks next to my best friend.

I follow them out the doors and to the hall. The man waves at Elena as he walks the other way.

"Maybe I'll see you around." His voice his soft but my advanced hearing still picks it up.

The brown haired girl turns around, behind me I feel the presence of Caroline and Bonnie.

"What was that about?" I ask her as she walks towards the three of us.

"He is new here, I wanted him to feel welcome." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

The way she acts all natural against him shouldn't surprise me, I mean, she doesn't act weird to me. Maybe I should talk to the new dude. See what his intentions are here in Mystic falls.

I have done everything I can to make sure no one discovers my secret, I feed only on bloodbags and cover my tracks. I'm not in the mood for some random idiot to ruin this all for me.

I make up an excuse about having to get something from my house and hurry to my car. As soon as I'm out of sight a run as fast as I can. I'm just in time to see the man get into one of the cars and drive of.

I follow him till the end of the forest, at the end of this road lays the Salvatore mansion. I have heard that the Salvatores where something special, but the man that lives there now is just human, human with a lot of vervain.

The man walks into the mansion. Leaving the door open behind him. Not that I can walk in, house is on the name of human man. And he is not going to invite me in.

Suddenly my phone rings and I jump up. If I had a beating heart, it would totally skip a few beats.

Before I can answer two hands wrap around my head and throat. Ready to either choke me, or snap my neck.

"Drop the phone." A manly voice says behind me.

Apparently I'm not fast enough as his hands move quick and everything turns black.


"What the fuck Damon! There are a few things I want to ask you."

"Well go ahead Stefan, but she is gonna wake up soon so you better hurry."

"Well first, what are you doing here after so many years. Second, why did you brake her neck and bring her here? And last of all, please go away."

"Missed my little brother! Didn't you miss me? She was snooping around the house and this was the easiest way to get her down. And last of all, no it's good to be back, I'm not leaving anytime soon, so get used to it little bro."

"You said you knew her? From what?" I recognise the voice from the man that talked to Elena. He must be Stefan, the name rings a bell in my head. But I can't quite give it a place.

"Yeah, a while ago, she is dead ringer but the girl I met was human. And I didn't turn her. I'm sure of that."

All of a sudden I remember a night five and a half years ago. I met Damon before, we hung out for a while but I never thought he was a vampire, I didn't even know of the existence of vampires.

When I open my eyes I look straight into his blue ones. Within a second I've stand up and crossed the room, locking myself in a corner. Smart move...

After what feels like hours, but are really just seconds, recognition spreads over his face.

"[Y/N], it is you!"

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