Not the only one (part 2)

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"[Y/N], it is you!"

He slowly raises his hands and begins to walk over to me. His blue eyes stand soft and careful, as if any sudden movement may cause me to jump through the window and run.

"I'm sorry about your neck, I didn't recognise you."

"It's okay... I guess."

I relax a bit now I know the unknown vampire won't harm me, and is actually an acquaintance of the man I saw last seven years ago.

"How, who, when?" He stands a few feet away from me, his ocean eyes full of wonder and... Is that pain?

"How who when what?" I pull up one eyebrow, a trait of me he always laughed about.

"When I left, you where human, and I don't recall feeding you my blood or changing you in any way."

It is pain that I saw in his eyes, pain and memories of our time together seven meaningless years ago.

Memories overflow me, of a happier time when I had Damon by my side. A time when I felt invincible and truly happy.

But also memories of the time after he left. Without saying a word, he was just gone when I woke up. In that time I felt down, depressed even. The man that brought light into my life had took it away just as easy.

And now that man was standing in front of me. He didn't change one bit, while I went through the transformation of my life. Not only physical but also emotional. I grew harder, didn't let anybody in again, built a wall around myself. Elena Gilbert had cracked that wall when I befriended her, and now Damon is crashing through it like a wrecking ball.

It is not fair what this raven haired man does to me.

"Why do you care. Like you said. You left."

I cross my arms in front of my chest, showing him nothing of the vulnerability I feel inside. Nothing of the emptiness or pain he inflicted.

"Of course I care, you meant so much to me [Y/N], you still do."

His eyes show the emotions he has, regret, anger, sadness. It all crosses his face as he takes another step closer to me.

"You have a funny way of showing that. Leaving me all alone in Amsterdam, not letting me hear anything of you for seven years, and when you return you fucking break my neck. That's not caring Damon Salvatore, that's cruel."

He stays silent, bowing his head and looking at the dark floorboards as if something interesting is happening down there.

We stay like that for a while, him looking at the floor, me standing by the window, arms crossed over my chest looking at the beautiful man in front of me.

The other vampire comes into the room again, three glasses of bourbon in his hands.

"Maybe a drink would lighten the mood here. Let's talk."

This drives me over the edge, I can't take it anymore.

"I don't need one of your drinks, I'm out of here."

Damon's arm graps mine as I try to walk past him.

"Please stay [Y/N], please let me explain, don't let us part ways again. Don't leave."

"No Damon, it is you who left, you who made us part ways. I won't let myself feel the pain again that I felt when you left me there all alone. Besides, Elena doesn't know where I am and she expects me after I missed all those lessons at school because you felt the need to destroy everything I built here."

He stays silent, his grip on my arm loosens and I pull back with a soft outtake of my breath.

I walk out of the house, not looking behind me. Because I know that I shouldn't. If I do, I know I'm not leaving this place.

I slowly walk to my house, knowing Elena will be there, waiting for me. And waiting for an explanation of why I only followed two or three classes and left.

When I walk in the door I smell her sweet perfume, but what I notice sooner is the smell of fresh blood. I quickly run to the kitchen, slowing down to a human speed before entering.

"ELENA!" She is standing at the kitchen counter, towel wrapped around her hand. A bloody knife on the cutting board in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I was waiting for you and got hungry, thought I could make us a salad. I cut myself."

I quickly turn around before she can notice the change in my face. Balling my fist I take deep breath through my mount, avoiding smelling her even more.

"Bad with blood? That's okay, if you can tell me where the bandages are?"

I turn around again as soon as I get myself together again.

"No, it's okay. Let me see."

She unwraps the towel and gives me her hand. The cut isn't very deep, but it does bleed a lot. Maybe it will need a few stitches to heal faster. Or some blood, but I ain't ready to explain it all to her.

I manage to quickly bind the wound untill a doctor can take a look at it. With the wound bound I can control myself better and drive Elena to the hospital to get the wound stitched.

When we arrive I see the two man I didn't want to see.

"What are they doing here?" I ask Elena, as if she will know the answer.

"Well, Stefan asked for my number in case of any class related things. He wanted to come over because he missed science, and I told him what happened. Didn't think he'd come here."

Of course. This way I won't get the Salvatore brothers of my back. I'll deal with it later, first I need to take care of my friend. As good as I can without losing control.

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