I'm here for you ][ Stefan Salvatore

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It's been a rough few days. I got into a fight with Caroline about how she acted after her mothers dead. She just pushed me out the way and disappeared. And on top of it all Matt had just broken up with me. Saying he doesn't want to be tide down.

Elena was off with Damon so she couldn't be of any help and Tyler was no where to be found for the last couple of weeks.

I had been feeling down the last couple of months, depression hitting me at random times. Some days I couldn't even make myself to leave my room.

Today was one of those days. When you look at my situation with a realistic eye, you wouldn't see anything more than just a bit of teenage drama all piled up. But for me it felt like I had nothing left. Like my friends had pushed me to the side and I was standing on my own.

It felt like I had nobody that cared about me, and that it was all my fault. When I have better days, I can convince myself I'm just playing the victim role, that I'm overreacting. But on days like this. Those are the only thoughts that cross my mind as I cry myself to sleep in the middle of the day.

For some reason I'm in my car, in the middle of the night, driving down the familiar road to the mountains. Sometimes the mountain air can clear my mind and bring me back to a normal functioning human being.

The black fog that is in my head clouds my vision from time to time. But the road is deserted most of the times, so I hope that won't be a problem. My head is heavy as I put my foot down the gas pedal harder.

I shut my eyes for a few seconds, pinching the bridge of my nose to get back my vision.

To late...

My car hits something else as I fall forwards. I hit my head against the steering wheel before being pushed back in my seat. My seatbelt keeps me in my seat as my car seems to lay on its right side. The last thing I see before the fog clears out and I lose consciousness are the bright head lights from another car, and Stefan stepping out.


The road is hard and cold against the bare skin of my back, my shirt is crumbled up as my head lays in someone's lap. I feel something against my mouth and a sweet warm liquid streams down my throat.

When I open my eyes a tiny bit I see Stefan leaning over me. His mouth is moving fast, mumbling silent words. One of his arms is around my shoulders, keeping my head up. His other has it's wrist against my mouth, healing me with his blood.

"C'mon [Y/N], wake up. If you don't I'm taking my chances of enough of my blood in your system."

I open my eyes further, looking him in his eyes.

"Stefan... No need for that." My voice is hoarse but I'm pretty sure he understands me.

His eyes brighten up and he smiles as he tightens his grip around me, evolving me in a hug as good as that goes in the position where in.

After a few minutes I've gathered enough strength to sit up and eventually stand up. We've been just sitting on the road, him watching me, and me gathering strength.

He helps me to his car, which is in way better state than mine.

"I'm sorry about your car." I say as he helps me in the passenger seat.

"Your car took the most damage, I told you you should get an SUV, they are way stronger."

I shrug my shoulders and slump down in my seat. Exhausting takes over me and I slowly fall asleep at the sound of the radio playing a familiar song.


He must have carried me inside because when I wake up, I'm laying on the comfortable leather sofa in the Salvatore mansion. I actually haven't been here a lot, most of the time the two brothers would see me and the girls somewhere else.

There is a cup of steamy thee in front of me. A blanket lays over the lower half of my body. I scan the room and find Stefan by the fireplace, putting more wood into the fire.

"Thought you would wake up soon. I hope the tea is good, I usually never make tea."

I sit up straight, crossing my legs over one another and letting the blanket drape over them. I take a small sip, the liquid immediately warming up my throat.

"It's good, thank you."

I feel the sofa dip as he sits down beside me, carefully so I don't spill my tea.

"What the hell where you thinking?"

I almost choke on my tea, the sudden question startling me. I carefully look at him through the corner of my eye. His fists are balled and his whole posture screams tension.

"What?" I ask.

"What the hell where you thinking going out in the middle of the night, at an deserted road leading fucking nowhere and all by yourself?!"

His words come out harsh, but I hear concern in them. Real and honest concern for my wellbeing. It has been a while since I've heard that in anyone's voice when they are talking about me.

"I needed some air, the mountain air always does me good when I'm feeling kind of down."

"So you thought it was a good idea to go there all alone in the middle of the night?"

"Yes, the mountain air clears my head. Makes me able to think straight again. It's better than sitting at home alone, wallowing in self pity!"

I shrink back when I notice I'm yelling at him. Tears are welling up in my eyes as I put down the cup of tea. He was already tense, I don't want to anger him more.

"If I wouldn't have been there, if it would have been another car you hit or a three, you would have died [Y/N]. I was at the point of snapping your neck, hoping you'd have enough vampire blood in your system to make you come back, you weren't really responding to the blood I gave you, I..."

This man, who I have know for about a year now. Who was Elena's boyfriend. The girl I have always been kind of jealous of because of that very reason. The man who was always quick in his talking, always knew what to say at every moment. That man was now fighting to get out the right words to express what he was feeling.

I stopped him before he wanted to talk again, letting my body fall in his arms, burying my face against his chest.

His arms wrapped around me while I cried and continuely kept saying how sorry I was and how stupid it was to do what I did.

"I'm sorry too, for not seeing that you needed me. For not seeing how down you felt and for not being there for you. From now on, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

He paused for a moment, tilting my head up with his index finger.

"I don't want to loose you [Y/N], I may not show it in the right ways, but I really care about you."

He wiped away a last tear that rolled down my cheek. His face got closer to mine and I tilted my head up a bit more, meeting his lips halfway.

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