Humanity (part 1) ][ Damon Salvatore

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The pain, it feels unbearable. You can only cry as you hold the lifeless body of your sister in your arms. You weren't fast enough, when she called you about the robber in the house it was already to late. He killed her, put a bullet through her pure heart. Vampire blood can do a lot, but it can't work such miracles.

You scream, a scream filled with pure sorrow and agony. You are not in any physical pain, the bullet the robber fired at you didn't even make you flinch before you snapped his neck. His lifeless body laying just a few feet away.

The door swings open, a dark haired man rushes to your side, his blue eyes filled with sadness as he notices the smaller girl in your arms.

You had successfully protected her from the world you lived in since a year, but now a ordinary human had taken her life because he wanted jewelry.

"I couldn't protect her Damon. I was too late." You sob as you lean against him, him holding you in his arms as he sits beside you on the stone tiled floor.

"It was not your fault Y/N, it was not your fault."

You keep seated like that on the ground as you sob against his shoulder. He rubs your back as he keeps repeating that you couldn't have done more than you did.

"It hurts so much Damon, so much!"

The door swings open one more time and Stefan rushes in, Caroline hot on his heels. You look through your tear filled eyes, as your two best friends stand in the doorway, shocked at the sight in front of them.

When Damon turned you, they had all promised to protect your sister from their world filled with vampires, werewolves and witches. You had been in love with Damon before he turned you, saving you from a certain death. As a result, there was a (as Stefan called it) sire bond with him. You didn't really believe it, there were enough times you didn't listen to Damon or went against him in an argument.

"Y/N..." Caroline's voice is soft, careful. Not at all like the jolly enthusiastic girl she normally is.

"Please don't Car."

Moments go by as everyone stays silent. Y/S/N was everyone's favorite with her cheerful and innocent smile, as she light up the room with those big beautiful eyes of her.

"I don't know how I can do this Damon." You sob again, desperate as you now not only lost your father years ago, but now also your little sister.

The room stays silent as Damon looks at Stefan.

"No, bad idea Damon!" Stefan has made a step forward, but Caroline stops him.

"She can't handle it Stefan."

You can't really follow the mostly silent conversation between the two Salvatore brothers. Still too caught up in trying to understand what happened when you walked through the doors of this house.

Damon takes your hands away from your sister's lifeless body and takes them in his.

"Y/N, look at me darling."

You look into his piercing blue eyes, they are filled with empathy for you, his girlfriend.

"Turn it off darling, you don't have to suffer like this, just turn it off."

You hesitate for a second, having seen what a vampire without humanity can do. But you're not Stefan, you're not a ripper. Maybe it would be better, maybe Damon is right.

"Y/N, no! Don't do it, it will cause trouble and when you turn it back on it will all be worse than this. We'll help you through this, I promise."

Caroline pleads, now also sitting down beside me, at the other side of Damon. You can't stand the look in her eyes, like you are some sort of cornered animal, ready to run when things get to scary.

You close your eyes for a second, and when you open them again a weight has been lifted of your shoulders. The feeling of grief has disappeared and you don't have the constant urge to cry anymore.

You know that it's your sister who is laying in your lap without a beating heart, but you just don't care anymore. It doesn't bother you. The sympathetic looks of the people around don't bother you anymore. You feel free.

You look at Damon, he looks like he is waiting for the what comes out of you mouth. Waiting to see if you listened to him, like he hoped you would. Well Damon, you can clap your hands and do a little happy dance, because you have finally listened to him.

"Thank you."

It's all you say as you lay your sisters body on the ground and stand up, taking a deep breath. You dust of your jeans and straighten your shirt. A change of clothes might be necessary, because there are blood stains on these.

"You feel better?" He also stands up, moving between your body and the door.


He nods, smiling at Stefan, knowing his plan worked. You take Damon's arm and walk out the door with him.

"Were are we going?" A smile creeping on his face as he notices your relaxed features.

"Going for a drink."

He smiles, trowing his arm around your shoulders and changing directions. You are now walking towards the car.

"Why the car?" It's not that far of a walk, you thinks as you follow the older vampire towards his light blue car.

"You want to drink, were not going to drink of the town's people."

You smile, knowing damn well that Damon is taking advantage of your lack of humanity. You would have never agreed to go on a human drinking tour with Damon when your humanity was there to stop you. But now, it doesn't bother you and you just let your instincts take over.

This could be a fun night.

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