Treat you better ][ Stefan Salvatore

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I clean up the empty beer bottles that litter the coffee table. Last night was hell, like almost every saturday night when Jack doesn't go out, and instead spends the night drinking with his buddies at home. Most of the times I make sure I'm out of the house, going out with the girls, or hanging out at Tyler's place. But last night Elena went out with Damon, Bonnie and Caroline where out of town, and Tyler's mom didn't want anyone in the house because of a migraine.

So I was stuck in this house while Jack and his friends got drunk. They were loud and broke a few things around the house. Like always, drunk Jack was really touching and magically forgot the meaning of the word 'no'. I shiver when I recount his hands all over my body, while his breath hits my neck.

Lately I've been rethinking my decision to move in with him. He is my boyfriend and I toughed I loved him. But I seem to love him less and less every passing day. He used to be so sweet in the beginning, calling me nicknames and always treating me like I was the most precious thing in his live. But ever since I moved in with him, he's been acting cold. He only touches me when he's drunk or really horny, and as soon as he gets his release he goes to sleep. We barely talk anymore unless we fight.

It has gotten to the point where I don't even want him to touch me anymore, not that he takes notice of that. Tears fall down my face when I think how it used to be between the two of us.

Suddenly I hear the front door open. The sound snaps me out of my thoughts and a bottle slips out of my hand, scattering when it hits the floor.

"[Y/N]? What happened?"

When I see it's not Jack but Stefan, I break down. My knees give in and I let out all the emotion I've been holding in the past few weeks. Miraculously I don't cut my hands or knees on the broken glass that covers the floor.

Stefan's arms are soon around me, he has crouched down next to me. Some way he doesn't cut himself either. He pulls me against his body and let's me cry against his shoulder. I never meant to cry in front of him, I've only known him for around a month or three. But rethinking everything that happened between me and Jack, causes me to lose it right there and then.

"Whats wrong [Y/N], please talk to me. I can't help you if you don't talk to me." His voice is soft and soothing. It helps me calm down and stop crying.

His hands rub my back in circular motions. Pulling me against him. His body forms to mine and his smell fills my mind.

"You smell like beer, have you been drinking?" He looks around the room as if it's the first time he sees the room.

I haven't had time to clean anything yet, so all the empty bottles are still everywhere in the room, cigarette buds laying in and around the ash tray. The floor is dirty and covered in the glass that slipped from my hand.

"What the hell happened here?"

For some reason I can't get the answer out of my mounth. I just sit there across of him and stare at the glass on the floor.

"Jack... He had a party last night, with friends." I manage to crook out, my voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.

"Does he do that often? Inviting friends and trashing the place?"

I can only nod, thinking of the way his dirty hands cover my body while his friends are watching, how he offered me to another friend to 'have a taste'. I shudder at the thoughts of last night.

Stefan seems to notice my discomfort as he takes me back into his arms, comforting me against his chest.

"Does he, hit you [Y/N]?" He places me in front of him, pulling up my sleeves, revealing some bruises that started to form on my underarms.

"I, he, it's just..." I can't form a coherent sentence as I quickly pull down my sleeves again, if I don't see them, they don't exist. Yeah right...

"Why the hell do you stay with him?!" He stands up, throwing his arms in the air angry.

"I don't have a choice... Where can I go?" My voice is small, broken, but I manage to make him look at me as I stand opposite of him.

"You always have a choice, you can stay with us [Y/N], if Damon bothers you don't worry, he is almost never around."

His words hit me, he is offering me a place to stay, to get away from Jack.

"You don't deserve this [Y/N], I know we haven't known eachother for long but the way Bonnie talks about you, I know enough to be sure of that."

He pauses, kicking the broken glass between us away with his feet. He stands right in front of me now, his body almost against mine.

I'm not gonna lie, the man has looks. I've had a small crush on him since the day Bonnie introduced us. But I always pushed that aside, like a married woman having some sort of idiotic celebrity crush. You always want the forbidden fruit right?

"I can give you better [Y/N], give you what you deserve. You only have to say yes. I will treat you better than he does."

I'm speechless once again. My head is spinning from exhaustion and his breath hitting my face as he bows his head down to mine.

I want to lift my head up, meet his lips and just go with him. But before I can even finish my train of thought the door swings open and I instinctively take a step back, out of Stefan's arms.

"Who's car is on the driveway [Y/N]?" Jacks voice makes me immediately turn around.


He trows his jacket on the chair before he looks up.


"What the hell is he doing here?" His voice is unstable, the alcohol is either still in his body or he just went out to reload. At nine in the f*cking morning.

He is angry, that much is clear.

"Stefan just came to help me clean up." I try to sound as convincing as possible.

"You f*cking whore! I'm out of the house for two hours and you're already inviting other men into the house!"

He walks towards me and I cringe, preparing for his hit but it never comes. Instead there is a scream and the sound of something banging against the wall.

Stefan has him pushed against the wall, his arm over Jack's throat, pulling him from the ground by just a couple of inches.

"Don't you touch her!" He says, more like growls.

How did he get there so fast? Getting Jack a few foot back in the span of a second or two?

"Stefan! Please..." I don't know what happened, but I'm damn sure if it comes to a fight, Jack won't come out alive.

Stefan let's go of Jack, letting him fall to the floor. I see him taking a couple of breaths and then he turns around.

"Let's just go." He grabs my arm softly tugging.

And I follow him, my hand laced into his. Into his car.

"What about him?" I can't help but wonder. He won't give up the fight that easily. He might not love me anymore, but it's his pride.

"If he's smart and wants to stay alive, he'll stay away."

His hands finds my and he gives a reasuring squeeze as he drives towards his house.

He'll treat me better.

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