Chapter 2:God Of Mischief

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(Still severus pov)

I took off the man's armor and placed it aside. He wore a dark green tunic underneath. I took off his top so he was only in his black leather pants. 'Who wears black leather pants?'

There on his side was a nasty stab wound the blade broke off in it. 'No wonder he passed out.' I carefully removed the broken blade so the wound didn't get worse. Magic won't be able to heal this it was too deep a wound. With a heavy sigh I cleaned and sutured the wound up and wrapped bandages around his abdomen. While i was bandaging him I noticed scars all over his back. They looked like whip marks. 'I may have to ask about them later.' I gave him blood replenishing potions to help replace what he lost. With that I left the room to go prepare something for him to eat when he wakes.

Loki's p.o.v.

My head was pounding and I couldn't move much do to a sharp pain in my side.'what happened?' I thought to my self. I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a dark room on a soft bed covered by dark Satin sheets. This was not asgard. It was far from it. I tried to remeber what happened. I fell off the bifrost I knew that much but where did I land.

The door to the room opened slowly. A man with black hair all dressed in black too walked in and turned on a bear by lamp. "I see your awake now" he spoke smoothly in a heavy accent.I nodded in response it just hurt to talk from all the screaming the punishments father gave me brought. "Not up for talking then fine. Are you in pain?" I only nodded again and tried to sit up. The man pushed me back down. "Don't you will reopen your wound." 'Wound?' I looked down to my stomach. I saw a slightly bloody bandage wrapped around me. I heard him sigh and go over to a cabinet across the room and took out a vial that had a strange coloured liquid in it. "This will help with the pain it may taste fowel".

He placed his arm under May head and held me up slightly so I didn't choke and made me swallow the liquid. I grimaced at the taste. "My name is Severus by the way. What is yours?" "L-loki, Loki laufeyson." I said weakly. "Nice to meet you. Are you hungry?" I nodded "I will be back" with that he left.

I am guessing I am on midgard he looked mortal. By his accent I am guessing some were in england. It didn't take long for the Severus fellow to come back. He was carrying a tray with a bowl and a glass of water on it. He set it down on the night stand and helped me sit up with out reopening the wound. He took the tray and placed it in my lap. "Beef stew and water" "Thank you" he sat down in a chair next to the bed.

"Where am I Severus?" "In my house on spinners end. Cokeworth England to be exact." So definitley not Asgard. I don't want to be there anyway. "Why do you want to know?" "I am not from here. I am from Asgard. A god. I am the god of mischief." Severus was silent for a moment. "That would explain the gigantic amount of magic coming off you. I am a wizard and no normal person has that much" "your a wizard?" "Yes I also teach potions at a school for witch craft and wizardry" I gave him a slight smile.

After I ate he took away the dishes and came back "Do you want to go back to asgard?" "No I particularly don't, I got tortured by my adoptive father because I just want to prove I could take the throne" "the head master of the school i work at could give you a job as my assistant. I can watch over you and you wouldn't have to go back" I nodded "sounds fair" "I will talk to him get some rest" he left again. I could see he truely cares about me. Would it be weird I kind of found him attractive. 'What are you saying! Its just the pain talking.' I laid back down and let sleep take me.

It wasn't that easy I guess. As soon as I closed my eyes nightmares of my father appeared.

Odin stood over me with a knife. I tried to make my self small as possible. "Please father don't" he just gave me an evil kind of smirk and started to slide the cold blade across my skin. I was covered in blood by the time he was done. He went to get another tool for his amusement.

My eyes flew open and over me was a fimilar man still wearing his all black clothing. His tone was gentle and slightly above a whisper. "Hey now it's ok it was just a dream"

Snape p.o.v.

I passed out in my chair in the sitting room and was awoken by loud whimpers and muffled screams. My mind imediently went to the man in my guest room. I bolted up the stairs and into his room. There he was in the middle of a nightmare. I guess my curiosity got the better of me and I used magic to enter his dream.

What I saw was something no one should have to go through. I left his dream which woke him up in a hurry. His hand clutched my arm tightly and I gently spoke to him. " Hey now it's ok. It was just a dream" unconsciously I caress his cheek and calm him down. "your safe here I won't let anything hurt you" I say on the edge of the bed and let him hold on to me till he feel alseep. While i say there and watched him I felt this feeling I haven't felt in a long time. This feeling i wished to never feel again for anyone but why him?

Should I continue the story. Leave a comment. I don't bite I promise.


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