7: the start

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Today is the day Severus and I start out mission. But of course we have to do this the 'muggle way'. We apparated to a friend of severus who lives down a few streets away from the dursley's. His friend is a squib and also has small grocery store for Sev to work at. Once we get there I was handed a pile of child clothes. "Really? Do I have to wear these?" I got a glare from my Boyfriend. He also had a pile of muggle clothes in his hand. "Just shape shift and change. They are ment to help you blend in. Also just be happy you don't have to wear a glamor as well". I gave a sigh if defeat and went into the bathroom. I shifted into my child form and put on the semi dressy clothes.

 I shifted into my child form and put on the semi dressy clothes

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To my suprise are not half bad and did well. I walk out and let Severus go in and change. After a while severus came out of the bathroom. I wish I didn't have to be the child in this case. He look so good in the muggle clothes chosen for him.

"Severus it should be illegal for you to look so good in those clothes" He let out a deep chuckle

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"Severus it should be illegal for you to look so good in those clothes" He let out a deep chuckle. "Once we are out in public love you can't call me Severus" he leaned down and kissed my forehead gently. I whined "this is for harry he deserves better". He smiled at me and took my hand and led me to the car outside. "I have a house nearby that had things moved into it earlier this week." I nodded and climbed into the car while Sev went around to the diver side.

He started the car and off we went

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He started the car and off we went. I was surprised he could drive well for being a wizard. "Hey, where did you learn to drive?" " well I live near muggles so I decided to fit in better by learning how" I nodded.

The house was only a 5 minutes away from Harry's relatives. When we pulled into the drive way I was shocked by the house.

It was kind of odd looking from all the matching houses that surrounded it

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It was kind of odd looking from all the matching houses that surrounded it. "Sev how the hell did you find a place like this?" He smiled at me "from my decessed grandfather thats how" i climbed out and went up the steps with the dungeon bag behind me. "Your Grandfather?" He nodded "No other heirs so it went to me" he unlocked the door and we went inside. The walls were all a cream color on The first floor. But every where had a dark hard wood floor. The whole place was lovely with 3 bedrooms 2 and a half bathrooms, also a library/study. The kitchen was all stainless steel and spacious. "Can we still share a bedroom?"

"I don't see why not. Just when people are over yours is next to mine. Full of things kids are into these days" I smiled at him again. "Now out with you go play outside. There is a bicycle in the trunk of the car for you to use. I will be reading on the porch." I went out and got the dark green bike from the car. I struggled at first but got the hang of riding it and went off to find Dudley and some of his friends.

Dudley was at a nearby park with 2 other boys. I rode up to them and stopped in front of them. "Hey can I join you I just moved in not far from here" Dudley and his gang nodded. "I am Dudley and this" he pointed to his friends "is Charlie and mark"  i waved "my name is Louis" I used the name i got for this misson since loki did stand out quite a bit. "Nice to meet you Louis" Dudley held out a hand I complied. "So Louis are you a only child or do you have a relative?" Charlie asked. "Well it is just me and my dad. My mum died not that long ago in a accident. But my dad is pretty cool" they all noded  "well I have my no good freak of a cousin living with us. My uncle and aunt hate him a lot" my temper flared slightly " What do they do to him?" Dudley paled slightly "well they make him skip meals for weeks and he does all of the chores by himself. When he doesn't do as he is told he gets beaten to a pulp" every one was quiet.

After awhile we all went to the dursley's for a snack. Petunia greated me and invited me and sev over for dinner. "So Louis what does your father do for a living?"
I have her a small smile.
"Well mrs. Dursley he works at the grocery store nearby for now" she nodded. My new cellphone started to go off. "Oh it's my father I better go we will see you later today". I took off back home.

Severus was on the porch. He had a glamor on. His black hair was now a lot shorter and had a few gray streaks and slicked back. His eyes are now a light hazel color. His nose was straight and smaller in size. His skin had more color to it then his usual pale color. "Wow you changed" he rolled his eyes "you know why. What did you find out?" I go and sit next to him. "Dudley told me they make him to all the chores and also beat him to a bloody lump when he doesn't do as he is told. We are also going to the dursley's later for dinner" a look of anger appeared on his face. "I will owl Albus this news" he went inside and I followed.

Severus p.o.v.

I say at the desk in the study and finished the letter I was working on. I held it out to the black owl sitting on my desk who took off with it.  'I hope I can last through this dinner later'. I get up and go in to the living room and sat on the big slightly worn couch. Loki walks in back to his normal form in one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweat pants. "Hope you don't mind I don't have any of my shirts with me besides the child clothes" he looked down at the floor. "It's fine love and it look good on you" I held out a hand which he took and pulled him down to sit on the couch next to me. He shifted so he was laying down with his head on my lap. I gently play with his hair. "Why don't you get some rest and I will wake you up when it's time to go?" He nods slowly and starts to drift off. Just  a few more days and we can go back to the dungeon of Hogwarts and hopefully Harry can be with us.

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