chapter 3: school part 1

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3rd person p.o.v.

Loki was slowly healing and getting better. Him and Severus got closer to each other. Each developing feelings they didn't know about to much. The headmaster agreed that Loki could come and work under Severus. So today Severus is taking Loki to get new clothing and a wand and other things he may need.

Loki's p.o.v.

"Promise me you will be careful. Your wound is still not fully healed." "I promise Sev. Don't worry"

Severus sighed "Loki, hold on tight to my arm and don't let go" I nodded and did as I was told. The feeling of getting sucked into a tube appeared but disappeared quickly. I felt queasy and rested my head on Severus' shoulder. Which earned a chuckle from him. "It's ok you will get use to it after a while" he rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

The feeling finally passed after a few minutes. He insisted I get a wand first. He took me to Olivanders. Inside was dark and dusty. "Hello there Mr. Laufeyson and you too Professor Snape" a old man appeared from no where. "Good morning olivander" Severus spoke with a coldness in his voice that wasn't there when he spoke to me. It made me flinch reminding me of my father. He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. " what can I do for you boys today?" "Mr. Laufeyson here is looking for a new wand" olivander nodded and got to work making me try multiple wands. Severus left after a couple minutes to get things he needed for his classroom and few things I needed too.

-a hour later-

Finally I found the right one dark oak with dragon heart strings 10 1/2 inches. Severus picked me up. We finally finished shopping and went back home. I was exhausted from today and the new school year starts tomorrow. I sat on the couch and read alittle.

Severus' p.o.v

As soon as we got back I could tell he was tired. I put everything away in our trunks for tomorrow. I sat on the couch next to him. What he did today after we aparated was extremely cute. I had feelings for him and that just proved they were true.

While I was lost in thought I didn't see Loki lay down with his head in my lap till I felt him put his head on my lap. I smiled at him. "S-severus?" "Yes?" "I think I love you" "Loki I think I love you too" with that I leaned down and kisses him gently and felt him kiss me back. "You should take a nap. You need it Love" Loki groaned in response and shiffted on to his side. I gently played with his hair. He smiled and drifted off to sleep.

-next morning-

I woke up to someone kissing me.  "Sev, it's time to wake up baby" "I could get use to waking up like this" my voice still full of sleepiness. I wrapped my arms around Loki and opened my eyes. Loki laughed. "Well Professer as much as I want to stay like this we should get ready the children will be ariving tonight".  I groaned "another year full of children. Lovely"

Loki went in to his room to get ready and I went to take a shower. I put on my frock coat and cravet and went to the kitchen. Loki sat at the table wearing a black 3 piece suit and a black tie ((pic above)). I couldn't help myself to stare at him. He looked very good. "See something you like?" "Maybe". I ate quickly and went to the dungeons to prepare for tomorrow's classes.

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