chapter 4: Teaching

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Loki pov

Sunlight hit my eyes from the only window in the room which was charmed. I rolled over to look at Severus but he wasn't there. I pouted slightly. I got up and made the bed quickly. I put on my silk green robe and went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

When i entered the small kitchen i saw severus at the stove cooking. "This is where you disappeared to". Sev jumped a foot in the air. "Don't scare me like that please, don't need a heart attack anytime soon" "sorry". I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "I love you" I whispered quietly. "I love you too... go sit breakfast is almost done". I did as I was told as Severus set a plate with eggs, baccon, and toast in front of me. I gave him a small smile when he sat my green mug full of coffee next to the plate. "Thank you". He sat down across from me with his plate and mug.

We ate in comfortable silence. After we were done I picked up the dishes as Severus went to get ready. After I got done with my shower and the rest of my routine I went in the living room and sat in my arm chair across from Severus' chair. I looked at the clock on the mantel "We have 2 hours left to our selfs" he nodded in response and picked up the prophet that was delivered this morning. I sighed and went over to him. I sat between his legs on the floor and leaned back against the chair. I summed  the book I was reading and leaned my head against his leg and read.

After awhile we went to the classroom. There was another desk next to Severus'. The chair that went with the desk has a unique design.

Loki sat at his desk and read through the lesson plan for the day

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Loki sat at his desk and read through the lesson plan for the day. They had 1st 3rd and 6th years today. The 1st years had to go over rules, equipment and a lot of boring things. 3rd years got review from last year and 6th years got to brew dreamless sleep. Let's hope it goes well.

I watched severus leave before the first years arrived. He is going to be dramatic can't wait. The first years came. It was Gryffindors and slytherins  great. After everyone settled Sev bursted through the door. He started to talk about no foolish wand waving. I heard him practing this speach in the bathroom to himself accouple times. I saw potter writing what sev was saying down 'wrong move kid'. Sev started to pick on him. After a couple questions I knew the kid would not know the awnser too because I barely knew the awnser. "Sev love, leave the poor boy alone and get on with it" that made him glare at me. He called on the girl sitting next to potter she awnsered all the questions correctly. 'Going to have some trouble with that girl'.
Severus yelled at them to write down what Granger said.

The rest of the class went by smoothly. Couldn't say much for the rest of the classes. The 3rd years had a very hard time with review. Severus got very frustrated. I spent the planning period after trying to calm him down. And the 6th years potion didn't go to well no one made it correctly and a few had to go see madam pomfrey. "Sev it's ok they will get better soon" "I hope so"  I go behind his chair and rubbed his shoulders soothingly. I felt him relax a little. "They are only children, they will learn".

Sev pov

Loki rubbed my shoulders a little while longer. I couldn't help but to relax. I reached around the chair and pulled Loki into my lap. "Really severus you could have just asked". I turned him around so his back was against my chest. I rested my forehead on his shoulder. "My head hurts" "I can see that we have to go soon unless you want to eat lunch in your chambers" "I would prefere that but Dumbledore will ask questions" I felt Loki run his fingers through my hair. "Sev why don't you go take a pain relief potion then we will go to the great hall" "ok"  I kissed his cheek and reluctantly let him go. I took the potion and we went to the noisy great hall.

Once there I sat in my usual spot and Loki sat next to me and Minavera. "There you two are. Albus was going to send a house elf to get you"
"I am sorry Minnie but mister grumpy made us late" "I understand Loki. He can be hard to handle"

"You know I can hear both of you right?" I know they  didn't mean any harm but I am not in a good mood. "Sorry Severus  I know that was wrong. You know I love you though" with out looking at Loki I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I know I love you too" I heard coughing and turned to see minnie almost choking on her drink and the rest of the staff staring at us.  Albus had that all knowing look in his eye. The rest were just to stupid to put the pieces together. Loki started laughing at there expressions. When he calmed down he leaned over and kisses me in front of everyone in the hall. The students clapped and whistled or too stunned. The staff was still in shock. I guess today was ok for the first day.
Yes, yes I know this chapter is a little weird. It was also kind of a filler chapter hopfully the next one May make a little more sense. Also I want to say thanks to my friends for the support through our the multiple stories that I am writing.


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