10: Asgard issues

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Loki p.o.v.

Everything has been going great. I have been really happy here with my small family. Right now Harry is in the Gryffindor tower because it was a school night. Severus is next to me on the couch reading with me curled into his side grading.  "Sev,  why are students terrible at such an easy assignment?" He looked over to me with a smirk plastered on his face. "I ask that same question all the time" I smiled and gave him a kiss in the cheek when a knock was heard from the door. Reluctantly I stood up setting the papers on the coffee table. "I got it" when I answered the door I was tackled into a hug "brother this is where you have been. I have missed you greatly" my eyes widen at the familar voice. "Thor what In all the realms are you doing here"  Thor looked at the ground sadness written all over his face. "Brother it is mother she isn't doing to good and has requested for you to come back" I felt tears start to form. Me and my 'mother' had a really close bond and to hear of her condition hurts me.

I lead Thor to the living room. Severus stood up when he saw us. "Love? What's wrong?" He knew by the look of my face something was not right. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. After awhile Thor cleared his throat. "Oh yes, Severus this is my brother Thor. Thor this is my boyfriend Severus." They both shook hands. "It is nice to see that you have some one to care for you but we must go now". I nodded "Sev I have to go back to Asgard for awhile. My mother is sick." He nodded understanding as ever. "Let me call Harry down here to say goodbye then" with that he sent a quick owl. With in a matter of minutes Harry barged through the front door. "Dad, papa What's wrong?"  He hid behind me as soon as he saw Thor. Severus kneeled in front of the boy and placed his hands on his shoulders. "Harry, Dove that is your uncle Thor and he has come to take Dad back to asgard because his mother is ill" Harry's face dropped and tears started to fall. I kneeled in front of him "Oh, Harry I promise I will be back as soon as posible" I pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.  "Brother come on now" I stood up and snapped my fingers and my clothes change to my armor. With another snap my scepter was in my hand. Harry looked awe struck and Sev gave me a kiss Goodbye.
With that I was off to asgard with Thor.

When we got there the situation was worse then I expected. Mother was poisoned and I was the only one that could help her but it will take longer than I expected to make her well. I hope Severus and Harry will be ok with out me.

Yeah I know it is short but AT least I updated. I have been really busy with testing. There will be more later. Also this story is coming to and end.


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