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Loki sat in his chair facing the fire place. Him and Severus now live together in the small house in spinners end. They ended up getting married a few years after the war. Harry became an auror and fell in love with Draco after seeing that ginny wasn't what he wanted. They adopted a pair of blonde twins a boy and a girl. All of them are happy the way things came together. Right now is currently Christmas eve.

As loki sat in his chair a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. "Sweetheart I know your enjoying the silence but company will be over soon" Severus placed a kiss on his cheek. "I know Severus I was just thinking"  they were intrupted by a knock on the door. "You are going to tell me about it later" Severus went and opened the door loki followed behind.

As soon as the door opened he was tackled by two very small blondes. "Grandad!grandad" loki pulled the two into a tight hug. "Hello my little trouble makers" Severus hugged Harry and Draco while the twins told loki what they have been up to. "Why don't you two go with Grandpa while I talk with your dad" they both agreed and followed Severus to the other room.

Loki and Harry sat on the sofa. "Eloise and Alexander have gotten big" he smiled as the later helped decorate the tree. "I know. It feels like only yesterday they were barely walking" loki looked over to his son. He didn't see the the scared boy anymore but a strong man. "You've changed so much. I am proud of you" Harry smiled and huged his dad tightly. "Daddy come look at the tree!" With a laugh Harry stood up and went over to them "the tree looks beautiful"

As the night went on loki became more greatful that he landed in that forest. He couldn't think of any other place he would rather be then with the family he had. A fantastic husband, a wonderful son, a wrong willed son in law, and two beautiful grandchildren. What more could a god ask for.

The end

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