6: Undercover mission

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Loki P.o.v

He watched as Harry and Severus left. All he wanted right now was for Harry to be free from the dursleys. Albus cleared his throat and Loki drew his attention back to him. "Loki I know you are 'the god of mischief' I need you to use your shape shifting powers to get more info from the young Mister Dursley. With this info you and Severus can get custody of Harry and have the blood wards transfered" I sighed. This is really the only way right now. "I will do it but how long will it take?" "My boy it will take a few days. I can have serverus be your pertend parent. He might have to take a pollyjuce potion to look different." "That would be preferable, thank you Albus. We will be ready for the job soon" He nodded and I left.

When I came to our chambers it was too quiet. I went to our bedroom and saw a very cute sight. Severus was asleep on the bed and Harry was curled up into him with his glasses on the pillow next to him.

 Severus was asleep on the bed and Harry was curled up into him with his glasses on the pillow next to him

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I smiled at the sight it made me feel at peace. I sat on the edge of the bed by severus' head. I missed is forehead gently and took a photo of them. I know they both needed the sleep so I decided to practice my shape shifting I haven't done it in awhile. I went into the living room and took my suit jacket off laid it on the couch. "Let's see what to pick, what to pick...." I mumbled to my self. I decided on simple animals first. I shifted into a cat, a dog, and a snake. Then I decided to practice with human forms. I shifted to albus, then to magonagall. I then shifted to poppy and flitwick. To finish of I shifted to Harry and severus. I shifted into my self as a child and decided to use this to befriend the dursley boy.

Harry and Sev were still asleep so I changed into my Frost Giant form. I haven't done it in a while and it felt good to not have the illusion up.  I layer down on the couch and read a random book.

  I layer down on the couch and read a random book

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I guess after awhile I fell asleep. I was awoken by a scream. "What? What's wrong? Why are we screaming?" I looked around Harry was in the door way to the kitchen looking at me wide eyed. "L-Loki is that you?" I looked at the ground. "Yes Harry it's me this is my true form. Gross and scary right?" Just as I said this severus walked in and got a good look at me. "Look my love, you are not scary or ugly in this form. You look beautiful. And those red eyes are so beautiful too" I looked down again blushing. I felt two pairs of arms around me. I looked up to see web and harry. I wrapped a  arm around each and gave them a watery smile. "Loki your freezing in this form" "I know I am sorry, the land of the frost giants is all I've and cold so we are like that too hence the blue skin. We also eat ice there." Harry laughed alittle "cool"

Sorry it is short it is kind of a filler chapter  plus it is very late at night.


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