9: cursed broom

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Harry's p.o.v

I couldn't tell anyone about my new family. Papa (Severus, it kind of suits him) said it could put our small family in danger. Because of the danger I kept my last name as potter till school is over. "Mr. Potter, Please pay attention in my class" came a fimilar drawl. I guess I zoned out in the middle of potions again. "S-sorry sir" I gave him an apologetic look. "You are going to stay after class for a chat about this" I nodded.

Dad looked from papa to me and I gave him a smile. He smiled back and went back to the potion essays he was grading. When we started our brewing Ron was my partner. "I hope he doesn't do anything to sever to you after class" I sighed "Ron I doubt he will" the rest of the class was ok till Ron added the wrong thing to the brew. The cauldron started to smile and it exploded and I flew back slaming my head on the hard floor. "HARRY" both of my fathers yelled.

I layed there trying to catch my breath that was knocked out. Papa was by me first and used his wand to check for injuries. He relaxed visibly "nothing life threating, but enough for a vist to the hospital wing" he sat me up slowly and dad came over. " Mr. Laufeyson, would you like to take Mr. Potter to the hospital wing or should I?" I wish they both could come but the other would come by when this class was over. "I will accompany him professor" dad looked over to me "can you walk or do you need help" I was dizzy just sitting up. "I am going to need help sir" papa placed a lightening charm on me and dad picked me up slowly.

Papa opened the door for us and talked so no one else would hear "I will end this early and come down" I smiled slightly "ok papa" with that dad took me to the hospital wing.

-in the class room-

"MISTER WEASLY!" The boy in question was shaking in his seat. He was unscaved Harry knocked him out of the way and got almost the full force of the blast. "You have detention for 2 weeks. Your mistakes injured a student and destroyed a cauldron" the look in severus' eyes was killer and Ron paled greatly at this look. "Your detention starts next week. Class dismissed" with a wave of his wand all the potions and mess vanished and the students grabed their things and ran. Severus floo called Albus telling him he won't be able to teach the rest of his classes and went to his son and boyfriend.

-hospital wing-
Harry p.o.v. still

I groaned in pain as pomfrey touched my head. "You are certainly lucky you didn't cracked your head open this time" dad sat in a chair by the hospital bed. "By the looks of it you have a concussion but it can be fixed in a day" with that she left to get some potions for me.

Just as she left papa burst through the doors most likely worried to death. He went to my bed side and kissed my forehead gently. " Harry you should of let weasly take the blast instead of you" he hugged me gently. "I know but he is my friend. I couldn't have done that to him" he nodded in understandment. He greeted dad with a kiss and sat down next to him. "What did she say?" Dad answered for me "pomfrey said it was a concussion, he is lucky he will be able to play in the match tomorrow" dad nodded.

When pomfrey came back she eyed us curiously. She doesn't know about our family like the rest of the staff. "Here Mister potter take this and lay down". I took the potion and looked over to my parents. "Do I have to stay here?" Papa sighed "pomfrey can i take him to my quaters I can watch him there" she pondered for a moment. "Fine Severus, but he has to stay in bed for the rest of the day." She walked away to her office. "Thank you, I can't stand being in here. It makes me nervous." Dad smiled and papa just nodded. This time papa picked me up and I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes falling asleep.

-next day-

Today is the day of my first quidditch game and it's against syltherin. I am so nervous my parents must have noticed. "Harry love, you are going to do fine" dad said smiling. "I know but I can't help but be nervous" papa chuckled "I would be too, if it were my first game" he looked at his watch. "You better go to the locker rooms and get ready. It's almost time" I nodded and left.

Loki p.o.v

I smiled as Harry ran out the door with his sports bag. After the door closed I looked at the clock. "We should get ready to Sev or we won't get good seats". He set the paper down and chuckled. "Love we have spots either way with the other professors and staff memebers" I blushed slightly and rubed the back of my neck. Severus stood up anyway and went to the door and I followed. He took my heavy cloak and helped me put it on and handed me my scarf. " Thank you Severus" I couldn't help but kiss his cheek as he got his cloak on.

We were out the door in a matter of minutes and went to the quidditch pitch and made our way to the staff area. I took my seat in between Minavera and Severus. "Good morning minne. How are you today?" She gave me a smile "Good morning to you too Loki and I am well today. Thanks for asking" I held Severus' hand and chatted with Minavera till the teams were on the pitch.

Acouple minutes after the match started Harry looked like he lost control of his broom. I squeezed Sev's hand tighter "Sev it looks like a curse. He is going to get hurt" Severus thought for a second "I know what's happening to him. I can counter act it" with this he stared at Harry and started to recite the counter curse. It didn't seem like it was working.

As we sat there with Sev using the counter curse when I smelt smoke and looked down. Severus' cloak was on fire. I jumped up imediently "Baby your cloak is on fire!" He jumped up and stomped it out. Harry's broom stopped bucking him around and he went back to playing. Severus sat down with a sigh and I sat right next him still worried out of my mind.

-few hours later-

Harry's p.o.v

The game was done and we won by me 'catching' the snitch. As I came out ron and hermione were waiting for me. "Harry we think someone was cursing your broom. When i looked it was Snape he was looking straight at you saying something." Thats Hermione right to the point. I gave them a weird look "I doubt Snape was doing anything" secretly on the inside I was breaking down "No really mate, He has it out for ya so he would curse the broom".
I need to get away from them and talk to my parents. "Look I guess he could have ok? I have to go" with that I left. The more I thought about the more it made sense and it brought tears in my eyes.

I barged into our chambers with tears running down my face. Dad saw this and ran over to me and kneeled down. "Harry what's wrong?" He pulled me into his arms. "Papa hates me that's why he cursed my broom" I sobbed into his shoulder. Papa heard this and went over to us and picked me up and took me to the couch. He sat down gently and placed me in his lap. "Harry dove, I didn't curse your broom nor do i hate you. Your my little boy why would I hurt you?" He took his hand and wipped away a few tears. "I'm sorry for doubting you. Hermione and Ron told me you did it. If you didn't then who did?" I laid my head against him. "I am not sure yet harry. Why don't you gets some rest ok?" I yawned and nodded and hugged them both and went to bed it is going to be a long week.

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