11: returning

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Loki's p.o.v

"Thank you father" I said in a icy kind of voice as I kneeled. Odin is finally letting me to back home to Severus and Harry. I really needed Severus while I was gone. My mother was finally well but when a servant went to deliver Her some tea he found her dead along with her guard with the knife still sticking out of her back. My heart was shattered that the only person who cares about me in asgard was gone. Odin made me stay because the kingdom needed the All Father and the princes to be here for them.

As soon as I could I made my way to the bifrost. "Heimdall take me back to Hogwarts" I sighed "are you sure your highness?" I have him a curious glance "yes why do you ask?" It has been awhile since you been there and a war is currently taking place" I could feel all the colour fare from my already pale skin "Heimdall I need to go back now please" with that he opened the portal and I instantly left with out a second glance.

When I landed I was in the middle of a massive battle. I put up a shield with my go and find Harry and severus. While looking a saw Neville.  "Mister longbottom Where is Mister Potter?"  He looked at me with a strange look probably from the armor I was still wearing. "I saw him with Ron and Hermione going to the boat house"  I missed and sprinted off to the boat house with hexes and cursed bouncing of the shield I had up.

When i got there Harry was hiding and listening to something. I turned invisible and listened to. What I heard was Severus arguing with the dark Lord then the one thing I hate to hear the spine of the snake attacking him.

I watched as the kids go in. I couldn't move from my spot. I stood there for awhile apparently. The kids left and I went in and saw Him barely alive on the floor. Taking the spell off I dropped onto my knees besides him. "S-Severus?" I stuttered out. His eyes opened slowly an gave a small smile seeing me. " L-Loki you .....came back" I could hear the strain in his voice. "Of course I did" I leaned and place a kiss onto his lips which were slowly losing color. "Now don't talk I am going to fix you up ok?"  He gave a slight nod.

I moved his head into my lap. Taking my hand I pressed it over his wound. A soft red light came from it. This was something I had learned from my mother. It was a spell to remove toxins from blood and right now it was really helpful. "Ok Severus I just need to close this sound then you will be ok" all I got was a groan in response. The red light turned pink and the sound was healed up and gone. "All better now" I moved my hand to his face and gently caressed his cheek which was starting to regain colour. He leaned his head into my touch. I smiled down at him when his dark eyes looked up at me. "You need sleep darling" he sighed "promise you won't leave?" He whispered. "Of course I am back for good" with that he closed his eyes and snuggled his face into my torso.

We stayed like this for awhile. When he was asleep I transfigured a rag and cleaned away what blood I could the rest I spelled away. After a few hours people came in both were young boys covered in dirt "we are here to take his body to the castle" one of then said. I have a flare and Sev grumbled " I am not dead leave me alone" they both paled and ran off. "I think you scared then pretty god this time mister dungeon bat" he chuckled a little. "Good they deserved it" I ran my fingers through his hair. "We would go check on Harry. He thinks you sure and that I am still gone" he nods. I get up and help him up and walked him back to the castle to the great hall.

When we entered there was so many wounded and dead every where. Sobs and yells filled the air. "Aren't you glad you didn't and up like them?" He sighed "some times I wished I died but now I apreciate not dieing"  I gave him a kiss on the cheek and set him down in a nearby chair. No one has noticed us yet and that is a good thing. "I will be right back, don't run off" he rolled his eyes and I left to find our son.

I found him looking at all the dead bodies. I regonized them lupin and his wife. I placed my hand on Harry's shoulder. He turned around fast a look of shock on his face. "Come here Harry" I spoke softly and pulled him into a hug. As soon as I wrapped my arms around him he started crying loudly into my armor cladded body. "I'm here now it's going to be ok" he just continued to sob. "P-papa d-died d-dad it's not ok"
"Oh really maybe you should look over there" I pointed to Severus in his chair not to far from us. Harry's face lightened and he ran over to Severus and tackled him into a big hug. I want over and kneeled down putting my arms around both of them.

After awhile we must say there waiting for them to go through and see if they have recovered everyone. I took off my helmet and placed it next to me. Harry was asleep in my lap Severus next to me still in the smae chair as before. I leaned my head onto Sev's outer thigh. His hand started to play with my hair gently and his other one was holding my free hand harry was clinging onto the other. Severus let out a small relaxed sigh "I missed you greatly" I leaned into his hand. "I missed you greatly too. I needed you though once or twice"  "what do you mean?" Tears started to turn in my eyes "m-my mother was murdered in her room after she just got well" I felt Severus kiss the top of my head and leaned his forehead against it. "I am sorry I couldn't be there for you my love" I took a deep breath . "I have you now that is all that matters"

Is it good yes? No? Well anyways it's coming to a close 1 or 2 chapters left


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