Literally Bumping Into A Friend

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I dashed down the hallways blindly, my footsteps thundering against the floor. I ran up a stair well and paused, winded, but quickly continued. I found myself on the main deck.
The men found me to.
One shouted something to another and I took that as cue keep running.

Running straight into someone.

As I am a victim of chronic blushing, I felt my face light up. I picked myself off the person, before recognizing who it was.
He smiled at me in a pained way.
"Long time no see and, uh, Mari? Your standing on my foot."
More blushing followed by a "Sorry!"
Taylor waved me off.
"Why are you running anyways?"
I paused momentarily.
"Hm. Trespass. Defiance of leadership. Oh, and throwing up on leadership."
I looked over my shoulder to see some of the guys looking around.
"Oh god.. I better go."
"Wait!", Taylor said, "I know where they won't be able to follow you."

Split second decision to keep running or follow Taylor..

"Lead on."

The men spotted us and we dashed off.

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