We're Moving

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(y/n) POV

I was sitting in my last class of the day. I had history class which really wasn't a long class. I was just sitting in my seat with my headphones in my ears listening to Give you hell by American Reject while the other students through paper air planes and spit balls at the sub and other students. I wasn't really like the other kids in my grade. I was always quit and no one talked to me which I didn't mind it at all. I probably know why they don't talk to me.
I was about 7 years old and I just moved from another school and I finally got use to my new school. No one talked me and they just stared at me. Everyday when it was time for school a couple of kids would bully me. They would make fun of me because I had two different eye colors. My left eye was green and my right eye was baby blue. They bullied me every morning when the teacher wasn't paying any attention to us. Everyone just watch them bully me and they just laughed along with the bullies. It seemed no one wanted to help me from being bullied so I took my matters into my own hands. It was time for lunch and we where having spaghetti for lunch. I grabbed my food and my metal fork and I sat down at a table were no one was sitting at yet. Across from me was the group of kids who were bulling me. The leader of the group finally arrived at his table and sat down but before he got cozzy . I picked up my metal fork and threw it across the cafeteria were the bullies where sitting. The metal fork hit the main leader in the eye. He got up and started crying and running around. One of our teachers heard screaming and crying so she steped into the cafeteria and saw a fork in the boy's eye. Well the teacher didn't make it on time. When the boy was running around crying like a baby he sliped and the fork went through his head. The teachers called 911 and she yelled for help the other teachers came in the cafeteria In a shocks daze. One of the teachers then ask what happened and who did this. Well I for sure ain't gonna say it was me. Everyone stared at me and the teachers didn't notice so..... The cops finally showed up and they just said it was an accident because they had no clue who killed the boy.( by the way I had gloves on) so all the children went home early due to the accident.
I was sitting by the window in the back of the classes staring out into the woods. Then the bell rang and everyone gets up and walks out of the classes room yelling and cheering. Tomorrow is the last day of school. It will finally be summer and then I'll be heading to college but, the bad thing about it is that my dad is making me move to go and live in Sussex County, New Jersey. My father found a job at a camp called Camp Crystal Lake. My so called dads boss told him that there moving him camps because Camp Crystal Lake had alot of problems that needed to be fixed. I told dad i didn't want to move again that i was finally making friends which was a big fat lie. He told me he could make 1,000 dollars an hour and he could help me pay for collage and my future ahead of me. So me and dad kept talking about the camp and what needs to be fixed and that he already has some coworkers there working on the camp.
After School
I was leaving school heading home. I always walked home from school cause all the other fucked face kids made fun of me on the bus. I was already half way to my house and i was listing to Teenagers by MCR. I heared a car honk at me i turned around to find my father pulling up in a U-Haul

" Honey i got all of our belongings ,you ready to go" Dad said

"yes, dad im ready to leave this dump"i said
I ran to other side of the truck and got in the passanger side. I took my backpack of and thourgh it behind my seat.

"you ready (y/n) to start somewhere new" dad asked

" not really but, what ever makes you happy" I answered
(dad smiles at me)
my dad started driving down the road i turned to look at my dad.

"dad where we living and how long is this roadtrip there" i asked

" only 2 hours sweetie and we're staying at the camp is that alright"dad said
I looked at my dad again to get his attention. dad finally looked at me and i made my mouth into an O shape ,He laughed at me

" Better close your mouth princess before you catch a fly " dad said while laughing
I shut my mouth and turned to look forwards. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and turned to get my headphones from my backpack. i put my headphones in and turned on my favorite song Paralyer by finger eleven. I leaned my head against the window and them i drifted of to sleep.

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