I Love You

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I woke up to jason not in bed. I sat up to see if he was in the room but no where to be found. I then realized that i was naked and grabbed the sheets and covered myself. Wait a minute that mean im not a Virgin any more....(omg 😱 he'd a look my berries)
I got up and changed into my clothes and walked out of the room. I saw a bowl of cereal on the counter and a note

I will be back
Do not leave the house at all until i get back.

I put the note down and ate the bowl of cereal and then went in the room. I remembered that all my stuff is at my cabin. I should go and get them, but jason said dont leave the house until he gets back. He aint back yet so ill make it quick. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I grabbed the door knob and twisted it and the door flew open. I stepped outside and made my way to the cabin. I felt as someone was watching me. I tured around and no one was there but me.
"Hello, anyone there"
No respond i turned around and began to walk to my cabin. I finally arrived at my cabin and started to pack my things. I grabbed the picture of me and my human father. I felt a tear run down my cheek. I miss him terribly. I grabbed my stuff and made my way back to jasons house and then i heard a branch crack.

Jason POV

I was on my way home from killing some teens who decided that it was ok to walk on my land. As i was walking home i felt worried as if (Y/n) was in trouble. I picked up my pace and made it to the house. I walked in and checked every room she wasnt in the house. I began to panic and became worried. I ran out of the house and look for her through the woods. I fought a suit case and i bent down and looked inside it. It was (Y/n)'s stuff i gript the photo of her and her dad. I stood up and looked around i could find her. Then i saw a body 2 feet away from me. I ran over to the body and it was (Y/n) she had blood all over her shirt. I picked her up carried her to the house and layed her on our bed. I took her shirt of gently and look at the big gash across her left side. I sticked it up and put a bandage around it. She was still breathing. I picked her up carefully and layed her in my arms. I waited for her to wake. God i hope shes ok. My eyes began to droop and i began to fall asleep.

(Y/n) POV

I woke up to laying in jasons arms asleep. I moved alittle and felt a sharp pain going into my side. I looked down and saw i had no shirt on and just bandages. Then it hit me that i got jumped by a bunch of teenagers. I started to cry cause the pain i was in. It hurt to think what they did to me. I then felt a hand brush my head and pull me closer. I must of woken jason up from his sleep.
"I..im so..sorry j.jason, i shouldnt o.of left t..the house." i said crying
he grabbed my chin and lifted it.
"I.its ok"
I nodded my head and then remembered my suit case. I need to go get it.
"Jason i need to go get my suit case"
Jason looked at me with a upset look in his eyes and shook his head no
" why not? I need my cloths"
Instead of answering he gripped my waist and shook his head no again. I was starting to get upset cause he wouldn't allow me to go get my cloths
" can u atleast go get my cloths please?"
He looked at me for a few minutes and nodded his head. He got up and was about to leave the room until he stopped at the door and rose his hand for me to stay. I nodded and told him ok. Then he left and shut the door on the way out. I layed my head on the pilliow and then remembered what happened in the bed i was laying in. I began to feel my face go hot. I looked down and looked at the bandages around my waist. It hurts really bad that it hurts move.

About 25 minutes later jason came in with my suit case and layed it by the bed on the floor. He pulled me up gently and layed me in his lap. I looked up at him and he leaned down and barried his face into my neck.
" please d..dont lea...ve me"
I pulled back and touched his face. I looked into his eyes and his eyes didnt let go of mine.
" I will never leave you, i promise jason."

He leaned in and kissed me. I couldnt resist kissing him back. About a 2 minutes later jason pulled back and starred into my eyes.

" I l..love y...ou (y/n)."
"I love you too jason."

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