Be Careful

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Dad's POV

​​​​​​I just got done getting food for us all. I got In the car and headed back to the camp. My mind was racing with thoughts about what the town folks said about Camp Crystal lake. They said that a young boy named Jason Voorhees drowned in the lake and that someone killed his dear mother and that he is coming back for revenge on who ever was staying at the camp. I didn't believe them but, I remember my boss telling me that there was some history here at the camp and all it need was to be fixed. I'm kind of worried for (y/n) I don't want her to grow up and not have any friends just because she's different then everyone else. I pulled up to the front of the camp and started to carry all the food to the kitchen. I started to unpack all the food and made my way to (y/n)'s cabin to check up on her. It was to quit for my liking, were is everyone at. I pray that (y/n) is safe and sound I don't want anything to happen to her she is all I have left now since her mom passed. I knocked on (y/n)'s cabin door and she didn't seem to answer I didn't hear any sound coming from inside. I didn't want to bother if she was sleeping or taking a shower so I went to go and check on everyone else. I knocked on everyone doors and no one answered I'm starting to believe that Jason is real. I jetted back to (y/n)'s cabin and knocked real hard on her door. she didn't answer so I turned the door knob and her door opened. I looked around her cabin and there she was sound asleep in her bed. I walked over to beside her bed and tapped on her shoulder she turned over and looked at me. I couldn't see her face because it was already night time and it was going on 10:56pm . I turned on her lamp beside her bed on and looked back at her. All my blood felt like its was drained from my face. There was a gash going across above you left eye. I sat her up and made her look me in the eyes even tho she was like almost half asleep.

" What happen to your eye and tell me the truth?" I said
" Trent pushed me into the water and I must of hit something and it cut my eye dad. they where all laughing at me they were bullying me they all do. I thought I was going to actually have friends but I was just full of it" she said

(y/n) started to cry and I took her into my arms. Then I notice a big jacket rapped around (y/n)

"(y/n) sweetie where did you get that jacket from?" I asked with a stern voice
"um I don't know all I remember is that I was carried here in a mans arms and then I passed out I guess from all the blood I lost"(y/n) said
"what did he look like?" I asked

(y/n) started to describe what the man looked like and i knew it could've been Jason.

" you cant go into the woods no more " I said


i woke up to dad tapping my shoulder and he turned on my lamp beside my bed. He looked back at me and his face went pale like he saw a dead person walking around about to eat him. I was still staring at him wondering what he wanted to wake me up.

"what happen to your eye and tell the truth?" he said
"Trent pushed me into the water and I must of hit something and it cut my eye dad. They where all laughing at me they were bullying me they all do. I thought I was going to actually have friends but I am just full of it " I said as I was about to cry

I started to cry and dad wrapped me uo into a hug and then I felt dad tug the jacket I had on . I looked down and wondered where I got the jacket from. Then I see dad staring at me like something bad happened.

"(y/n) sweetie where did you get that jacket from?" he said in a stern voice
" um I don't know all I remember is that I was carried here in a mans arms and then I passed out I guess from all the blood I lost" I said
"what did he look like?" he asked

I told dad what he looked liked and that I ran into him two times already

"(y/n) you are not aloud to go into the woods no more" he said like he was demanding me to
"But, dad I'm 18 years old and I can do what I want and if I want to go into the woods then i'm going to" I yelled
" (l/n) I don't want you to get hurt sweetie the man you've seen two times is a killer and he will kill you. His name is Jason Voorhees and he is crazy (y/n). I just don't want to lose you like I did your mother you both mean the world to me your all I have left" he said
"he's not crazy and yes I know he's a killer he killed all your coworkers who tried to kill me dad by drowning and why didn't he kill me then he had two chance of killing me why didn't he take the chance huh and your not going to lose me ok" I yelled then my tone of my voice softened
" (y/n) just be careful please" dad said in a sad tone
"ok I will just don't band me from the woods please" I said
" ok I wont but, do you still have your knife ?" he asked
" no I lost in in the water" I answered
"ok ill buy have to get you a new one" he said
" I use a kitchen knife for know " I said with a laugh
"ok you need to get some rest you look horrible we can clean the gash in the morning I love you good night" dad said he kissed the top of my head.
" ok good night love you " I said

I laid back down and closed my eyes and all I could think about his name Jason and why he gave me his jacket. I started to drift off to sleep and I just fell asleep to my lamp still on.

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