Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up and my head start to pond. I didnt notice that i was in Jasons arms and my face buried in his chest. I tryed to pull away but his arms where snaked around my waist only pulling me closer. I didnt want to wake him cause he looked so peaceful sleeping. I notice that he sleeps with his mask on. He never takes that thing off. I wonder what he looks like? I wanted to take it off of his face but i dont want him to get mad at me. Well hes asleep so what can hurt. I reached out and touched the tip of the bottom of his mask and started to pull the mask off.( In my book jason isnt as ugly as in the movie. He has a couple of scars) i saw his lips and then he starts to move alittle. I stopped for a second and went to pull it off more till it was fully off. He had scars but that was about it. Hes beautiful why would he hide his face. I ran my fingers along his jaw line and then to his lips. I was staring at him for a good 2 minutes. I didnt notice that he was awake still he moved his hands to rist and pinned me down. My breathing started to get heavy. I was afraid that he was going to hurt me for taking his mask off. But he just leaned close to my face and our lips brushing each other. I knew that my heart was ponding hard. I was nerves ive never been kissed before. I tried to move but I couldn't he had me pinned. I didn't know what to do but just stay under his hold.

"Jason.. What are you doing ?" I asked with a shy tone

He removed his hands from my wrist and lift me up on his lap. while I was facing him so I can see him. His mask was still off from when I pulled it off while he was asleep. His hand touched my cheek and start to make circles with his finger on my cheek. I touched his hand with mine and leaned into it. I've never felt this way before and it feels weird.

Jason's POV

I wanted to kiss her and I don't even know why. she looked so beautiful sitting in my lap. I don't want to lose her she is all I have now and I cant let her go. I realized that her hand was on mine as she was leaning into my hand. she looked so calm and at peace. I removed my hand and gently touched her chin and made her look at me. My eyes locked with hers and she didn't even move. I leaned and our faces were close and I started to get nerves. I've never kissed before and I've never felt this way before. I pulled her face towards me and our lip crashed against each other. I pulled away and I can see her beautiful face blushing. I leaned in again and kissed her cheek. I couldn't help my self and moved towards her lips and she started to kiss back. her arms went around my neck and my hands went around her waist and pulled her closer to me. The kiss got hotter so I pulled back and she was breathing heavy. I pulled her hair out of her face more so I could see her better. I wish she didn't hide her face she looked so beautiful. I'm glad I killed so teenagers down at the dock they deserved to die. I picked her up and carried her to my bed room and shut the door behind me and laid her down. She still had her hands around my neck and I pulled her closer to me. Her body stiffened and then she relaxed. I buried my face into her neck and kissed her neck up and down. She was gripping my shirt and i pulled away. she looked scared.

"It's o...ok, me" i tried to say

She began to relax and i pulled her closer then before and started to kiss her neck . I must of hit a soft spot cause she moaned. I gripped her waist and i started to kiss her jaw line and then i made it to her lips. I smiled into the kiss and she broke it to get air. She smiled and it was so beautiful. She makes my heart melt so fast...........


guys should i keep writing i feel as if i should just give up on this book. Its up to you guys should i stop or continue this book

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