We're There

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I woke up to the sudden sensation of my upper body hitting gravel.I looked up to my dad smiling down at me.

"sorry,(y/n) i ddin't know you were asleep" dad said

"oh really i was asleep the whole car ride dad" i replied

"yes you were but, i wasn't paying attention to my daughter sleeping i was driving" dad said

" oh ok dad i love you to, anyways we need to get our stuff unloaded" i said in a rude way

" no we dont sweetie its already done the boys got it all done while you were alseep" dad said
i looked around to be looking at cabins and a lake and woods. I climbed out of the car and started to walk around.

" hey dad can i take a walk in the woods"I asked

" i guess but, take your knife with you i dont want anyone to hurt you" he said
i grabbed my knife and made my way to the beautiful green trees. I finally made it in the middle of the woods just standing still listening to the to the birds until i heard a branch snap.
I looked in the direction were the sound came from. Its still light out side so im still able to see what or who made the branch snap.
Seeing Him
He was standing by the edge of the lake watching someone swim cause i saw a figure in the water.He looked about 6'1 and he weared blue jeans with a holy shirt and a jacket over it and he was wearing combat boots. I couldnt see him really well all i saw was his back. he turned a little and i could see that he was wearing a hockey mask. I was watching him for a couple of min but, it sees he hasn't notice me sanding here. I turned around cause it was starting to get dark and dad would be worried if i didnt make it back. I started heading back to the camp and then i heard a branch break again but, this time it was closer to me.I turned around to find the man that i was watching standing in front of me face to face.
My hair was in my eyes so he could not see my eyes. i looked down to see that the man had a mechette in his had. I looked back up at the man and stared at him and wandered why he had a mechette in his hand. He started to lift his free hand i tought he was gonna grab my neck cause he was close to my face.But, i turned around and started walking faster before he should grab me. I made to the edge of the small woods an i still felt like he was watching me. I step out into the opening and turned to see if he was still there or if he was following me but he wasn't there.
(Jason POV)
I was watching the dead body float in the water until i felt like i was being watched. Which was werid cause who watch a killer like me unless they want to die. I turned around to be seeing a girl who looks like about 18 or 19 years old and about 5'3. she was wearing a plaid jacket and blue jeans she had dirty blonde hair and her hair was to her shoulders.I started to follow her i know i was gonna kill her but in some reson i didnt want to kill her i want to know what she looks like. She turned around to me steping on a branch i was really close to without even knowing. She saw me up close but i couldn't see her cause her hair was in her eyes . I saw her head look down at my mechette and then she looked back at me. I lifted my hand to move her hair out of her face but , then she turned around and started to walking faster to were ever she was heading. i followed her and then i stoped and stood behind a tree. she was in the opening by the camp she must be staying here. she must think im still following her cause she turned around and looked in the woods. I watched her read something and then she walked in the empty cabin and shut the door behind her. shes diffrenet then the other people i have killed. It started getting late and the teenagers and young adults will be out at this time. I made my way to the lake cause they love to meet at the lake. I turned around to go and get ready to kill some teenagers. While i was heading to the lake i couldnt stop thinking about her why she covered her eyes. I started to drift off into my thoughts until i heard some people yelling and cheering and i heard music. (Song is at the beginning)

I walked faster torwards the sound of music and found a bunch of teens and young adults swiming and makeing out. I was looking for the girl i meet in the woods but she was no where to be found.

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