Good morning

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(Y/n) POV

I woke up in jasons arms and my hands gripping his shirt. I let go of it and trying to remember what happened before a fell asleep. Then it hit me that we kissed last night. My face began to get hot and i know that i was blushing. I looked up to see that he was still fast asleep. I tryed to get out of his arms with out waking him up. I stood up slowly with out making a nosie and opened the door and shut it. I looked around the place and saw that it could use some cleaning. I started to pick up the things that were on the floor and put them where they belonged. Then i started to sweep and clean the house. I heard a nosie come from behind me and i thought it was jason. I must of have woked him up. I turn around and he had his mask back on. He looked around and saw that i was cleaning the places up. He walked up to me and hugged me. I blushed alittle remembering last night.

"Good morning jason"

He kissed the top of my head with his mask on and then let go of me. I through away all the plates were in the sink and silverware. I had to get jason to dust the high places. Which first i had to show him how to dust. After i got done cleaning i laid down on the couch to rest my feet. I dont know where jason went to but i hope hes ok. I heard a band coming from the other room. I got up to go check where it came from. I opened the door and jeason was on the floor with curtains on him. I laughed and went to go help him.

"Jason are you ok?" i giggled

He nodded his head and pulled the curtains off of him and lied them on the chair by the window. His room looked cleaner then i saw it. He must of been cleaning his room whole i did the other things.

"Jason, what where you doing?" i asked

" tr..trying to p..put the cu..curtains" he tryed to say

I giggled at him and he must of heard. He picked me up and slunged me over his shoulders. Not again whats he doing now. Then i felt a soft cloud under me. I look what i was on and then jason pinned my arms to the bed and me look at him. Gosh i hate it when he does this to me. It makes me get the butterflies. He leaned in and kissed my cheek and then went down to my neck. I didnt think he would know how to kiss like this. He took one hand and kept my wrist pinned to the bed and he put his other hand on my waist and lifted me up. I couldnt hold it in any longer. It felt good his kisses falling upon my neck. I let out a small moan and shuted my eyes. Jason pulled back and i opened my eyes. I couldnt help but blush from his gaze. Then it hit me. Am i falling for Jason. Ive never had feeling like this its all new. I dont even now what to do. Then i felt soft lips upon mine and i started to kiss back and it got deeper. He picked me up and put me on his lap and i rapped my legs around his waist. His hand gripped my waist and his other hand on my neck. His lips moved down to my neck while i was breathing heavy while holding on to his shirt. Jason is so much bigger then me. It makes me feel safe and secure. Then i felt his hand go inside my shirt. My breath began to hitch. He must of noticed cause he stop for a minute. Then began to lay me down. He pulled back and then looked at me under his hold.

"M..may i" he asked

"I havent done this before jason." i said with a little shyness

"Go al..along me"

I nodded my head and then he leaned down and started to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he licked my bottom lip for entrance. He slided his tonge in and start to his me harder. It started to get hot and it felt good his body so close to mine. He gripped my shirt and tugged at it. I nodded my head and he began to pull it off. He kissed my lips and then my cheek. He began to run kisses down my neck and then my chest. I gripped his arm and he started to pull my pants off. All was left was my underwear and bra. I was practically naked. Jason just stared at my body and his eyes and hands started to rome my body.......


Guys you know what happens next they make love... Weird right hehehe.

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