He's Here

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Dads POV

"sir, we found her location do you want us to go and hunt her down for you." servant said
"NO, i have some business to take care of and plus i like to hunt her down my self it will be fun seeing the horror on her face" i said


I already knew where (y/n) was. so I just stayed in all day the camp was cleaned and fixed up the first day know all we need is to get the business going. I wrote (y/n) the letter when it is time to come for her to know the truth. I cleaned my cabin and put everything in order. i left to the kitchen to get something to eat. i grabbed me a bag of chips and a coke and made my way back to my cabin. when i turned on my light to my cabin and my heart stopped.

"well well well isn't it nice to see you again" he said
"what are you doing here Charles, you cant have her" i said to him
" technically i can Steve she is my own blood " Charles said
" you said you didn't want her your wife said she was ugly so you tossed her to me. You cant have her back know you freak" i said

next thing you know i was knocked off my feet on to the ground with a knife to my neck. Charles grabbed my throat and lifted me up from the ground and slammed me against the wall.

"oh, Steve you hurt my feelings why would you say something like that to me when I can just snap my finger and your dead. SO DONT TEST ME YOU STUPID MORTAL!" Charles said
"(y/n) don't even know who you are. you cant just take her. he wont let you" I said
"i will have her Steve and you cant stop me" Charles said mad

Charles through me across the room and I landed on the hard wooden floor. He walked over to me and slit my throat. I could feel the warm liquid run down my neck and onto the floor. I hope she gets the letter and she stays safe with him. I grabbed my throat to try to stop the blood from flowing out. Charles started to chuckle and he took the knife and stabbed my stomach and cut my stomach open. I started to drown in my own blood and I felt my tears run down my face. My vision started to get blurry and the last thing I heard was....

"she isn't your daughter sonny." he chuckled

Then I passed out from losing so much blood. I'm sorry (y/n) I love you please forgive me was my last thought.

Hey guys im sorry that this chapter was really short and i promise the next one will be long. I hope you guys are loving the book so hard im just now publishing it. I kinda wrote this book when i 14 and im 16 now lol. Well enjoy and Merry CHristmas and a happy new years

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