Don't Leave Me

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(y/n) POV

We finally made it to the camp and made our way to my cabin. I opened the door to the cabin and walked in and turned on the light. My room was a mess but I remember it being clean when we left. I turned around and looked at Jason who was still out side of the cabin. It started to rain and Jason stepped inside to not get wet. I looked around to find a note on my stand by my bed. It was from dad because of the way he wrote my name. I opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear (y/n),

I'm sorry for never telling you the truth. (y/n) sweet heart I'm not your real father. Your real mother and father is still alive and I couldn't tell you this because I didn't want to break your heart. Your real mother didn't want you because you didn't look like a beautiful baby when you where born. So your mother made your father Charles put you to death. But Charles didn't want you dead so your father sent you to me because I was his best friend and he wanted you to have a normal human life. Your real mother thinks your dead but, your real father know where you are. He said he will be back for you But, I don't know when. I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I hope you will forgive for what I have done. Your human mother did love you though (y/n) and she is sorry for what we have done. Inside the envelope there a gift from your human mother she wanted me to give you this when it was time for you to know the truth. Jason will take care of you for know on. He said he didn't want you to get hurt from any thing. so be careful dear and don't get hurt ok. I am truly sorry my dear. I love you even though I'm not your real father and I hope you can forgive.
I love you ,

I closed the letter and turned around to Jason and he looked at me with confusion. I started to cry because I didn't know what to do. I've been lied to my whole entire life and I've been living with my human parents. What does that mean human parents, does that mean im not human. I ran to Jason and hugged him and I started to cry on his shirt. I could feel his arms wrap around my back and hug me. I let go of him and grabbed the envelope and grabbed what was inside it ,I pulled it out and it was a neckless. It was beautiful it had a dream catcher and feathers on it. I put it on and wiped the tear that were falling from my eyes.

"Jason we need to go and check up on dad." I said with a sad tone

Jason just nodded and steps of into the rain. I look around my room for the umbrella and it was in the corner by the door. I grabbed it and opened it out side. I turned off the lights and shut the door. I put the umbrella over me and Jason. He stood up straight and looked above him to see what was stopping the rain from hitting him.
I laughed at his reaction and we started to walk. Jason ended up taking the umbrella from me because I was to short to hold it over his head. We made it to his cabin and knocked on the door. He didn't answer the door. I knocked one more time, but he still didn't answer.

"Dad please answer the door I'm not mad. But I have questions for you." I said was silent so I turned the Door knob and it freely opened its self.

I was about to throw up all of my insides out. But Jason stepped in front of me from not seeing the horror of dad on the ground dead. There was a puddle of blood surrounding him and his stomach was ripped open. I pushed Jason a little and ran pass him. I dropped to my knees and started ro cry a storm. I couldn't believe this, I can't believe he's gone just like that. Jason picked me up bridal style and was walking out the door. When he walked out the door I looked over his shoulder and saw a tall dark figure in the corner of the room. Who was that, or what was that I might say? .

Jason POV

while I was caring (y/n) to my cabin she fell a sleep in my arms from all the crying she must done. I made it to the cabin and placed her softly In my bed and put the covers over her. I went back and cleaned up the dead body and the mess that he had made. I got done an went back to the cabin and locked the door.
"I need to clean this place up for (y/n). Maybe it would be more liveable for her liking. I really worried for her, he wasn't suppose to kill him just come for (y/n) and that's not gonna happen either. I went to my bed room and laid in my bed right next to (y/n) and pulled her into my arms. She's so beautiful when's she's asleep. Her hair is pulled back and her soft pink lips were open a little. It would move a little from time to time. But then she start to settle down and relaxed in my arms. I would love to stay like this forever with her in my arms. I kiss her forehead and then fell asleep.


hey guys sorry I've been very busy here lately and sorry this was a shor chapter. I will make it up to you guys to publish a whole chapter. Well better get to work :).

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