After 4 letter word;)

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(Y/n) POV
I woke up next to Jason, as I heard rain hit the roof top. It was still dark out and it was definitely chilly. Jason was on his back with his arms spread open wide. One arm hanging off the bed while the other one on my side. I've never seen someone lay so awkwardly. Yet I've been in many positions in a tiny bed and not having enough room to sleep. I wouldn't blame him as long as he's comfortable. I touched his wrist with both hands and tried to move it, his arm was so heavy I was so afraid to drop it and wake him up. I finally moved it to his side and sat up on the bed with out making a sound. Although the bed is like 20 years old, rusty and every thing. Then a cold breeze came rushing through the window and thunder roar out through the air. I jump as there was no day tomorrow. I couldn't quite understand of why i was so petrified of storms. The rain came in and the windows was clashing against the house, as a child smacking its mouth when its parent tells them to hurry eating. I got up fast and ran to the window grabbing the frames and closing it tightly shut. I grabbed he latch and close it to keep the window sealed. I turn around and rubbed my arms to get rid of my goosebumps. Yet they weren't going away. I looked towards the bed and Jason was sitting up watching my every move while the blankets where tossed on the ground. I must of stirred him from his sleep, while closing the window from the raging storm. I moved slightly towards my side of the bed as I felt a sharp pain hit me in the side. I looked down and my stitches were ruined. Blood was flowing down my side, like as slow river. I begun to feel light headed and leaned into the bed. I was going to collapse until Jason griped my arms and pulled me to his embrace. He reached to the table next to him and grabbed the wraps. Taking off the old ones and restitching my wound and wrapping it again. He didn't let go of me until he knew I was ok. We sat there for a minute as Jason rubbed his hand along my good side. Then it hit me from yesterday. I..I told Jason I loved him. My face began to heat up as I everything came flooding into my mind. I looked away from Jason's view to not allow him to see my red face. He reached out and touched my chin and made me look at him. I looked down while biting my lip to control the blushing,but yet I couldn't. I saw his hand move from my side up, not knowing what he is doing. Then he said look, I was afraid to look up to let him see me but I was tempted. There he was sitting in front of me was a no mask Jason voorhees. His hand brushed my face and pulled me towards him. I began to panic as I feel his soft gentle lips brush against mine. He began to place with my hair and then running it big hands along my back. Our kiss became less more meaningful then just a long peck. He kiss became tougher as our breathing started to become out of hand....

Hi beautiful I thought it was a good day to start a new chapter cause I realized I left you on a big cliff hanger and I'm very sorry for that. So here's a little sneak peak of the last chapter for the ones who wanted lemons 🍋😉🙃

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