4/ Was it Them?

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Hunters POV

Once I woke up and fed Jade and Kade I dressed them and sent them off to preschool. I got dressed eat a quick breakfast and headed off to school.


While I was driving (my other car that's red since someone egged my favorite car!)

I couldn't help but think who the hat belongs to.

Earlier this morning I decided to just try to find out if anyone in any of my classes had the initials A.S. If they did, then I could narrow down the person responsible for egging my car.

I pulled up to school and parked near my best friends car. As soon as I got out people were looking at me and my car like always. The life of a popular. Ugh.

I've gotten used to all of the attention but it still annoys me. Spencer spotted me when I walked up to the doors of school and we greeted each other in a bro hug.

"Hey brother from another mother!" Greeted Spencer

"Hey bro. What's up?"

"I don't know. You tell me. " he replied with a smirk. Huh?

"Why didn't you bring your precious to school? Got in a wreck I don't know about?" Joked Spencer

"Haha. No someone egged my car last night. I found this hat near my car door after the alarm went off. It has to be a girl who did it since it has a small black bow." I explained

I expected oh no that's too bad or some type of sympathy. But its Spencer I should've known better. He burst into a fit of laughter doubling over.

"Man! Whoever this chick is must really want you to notice her! Leaving behind a clue like she's Cinderella! Hahahaha! That or she must hate your guts!!"

"Gee thanks Spenc." my voice was dripping sarcasm.

"No problem" replied Spencer "but don't worry, Prince Charming, I'll help you find your Cinderella." he winked.

This dude sometimes.


First period went by without anything happening. No girl in my 1st period class had the initials A.S. there was a guy. But he doesn't seem like the type of person who would egg someones car.

I headed into 2nd period, which is reading, with high hopes. Maybe I'll find her in this class.

I was sitting with my friends in a corner of the classroom waiting for the dreaded Mr. Zebb to come into class. He stormed in and looked at us like we are the scum of the earth that got stuck in his overly gelled hair.


Spencer was talking to a guy near us, uh, James? Bryan? I'm not sure. But then Mr. Zebb dropped his phone and the guy Spenc was talking to made a comment.

"Well he got what he deserves for looking at us like we're his Ex-wife that left him."

That caused us all to snicker and I tried not to but couldn't help it. That comment was funny and you all know it.

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