19/ Everything Was Perfect

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Ivorys POV

As I walk out the doors of school, I pull my backpack up so that it stops sliding off my shoulders.

It's been three days since Spencer opened up to Andrea and I.  School's kept us all pretty busy. With the guys having basketball practice or some other sport event to go to, Andrea dealing with a project, and me helping Andrea with the assignment. But, we still find time to talk to one another during lunch or class. The guys sit with Andrea and I everyday now. I've gotten used to the stares/glares that people send my way when the guys are with us.

It's funny to me how jealous people can get over someone who isn't theres. I mean- not that I'm saying Hunter is mine.

I'm not blushing, you are!

"Hey! Ivy!" I whip my head around to see Andrea running towards me. She pushes a couple of people out of her way, who all shout similar surprises of "Hey!" And, "Ah! Watch where you're going!"

Trying my best not to look at the people behind her, who are shooting murderous glares our way, I smile at my best friend and keep my eyes on her face.

"Whats up?" I ask casually, turning to face my psycho of a best friend.

"Well, I tried to start my car to go home, " I nodded just wanting her to get to the point. I am missing one of my favorite TV shows right now! 

"When I realized my tank is on empty."

My eyes widen in surprise at how she couldn't have notice that her gas was​ near empty, before it completely was. "Empty?"

She rolls her eyes like I'm stupid. "Yes. Empty. You know, when your car can't move because you have no gas in the tan-"

"I know what empty is Andrea." I cut her off, with a playful roll of my eyes. She laughs and continues to walk towards my car.

Raising an eyebrow, I silently ask her why shes heading to my car. She looks over her shoulder at me, a wide smile across her face, and makes a head motion towards my car.

Oh. I see where this is going.

"Well, being the amazing best friend you are, can I ride with you to go get gas?"

Chuckling I shake my head. "What?" she asks, looking very confused.  I pause at the door of the passengers seat to my car, re-adjusting the strap of my bag. "Its just, I still cant believe I'm friends with you."

She fake gasps, looking offend. "How could you say such a thing Ivy?" Placing her hand over her heart she pouts, "The real question is, why aren't you bowing to me? I'm a Queen, you should be honored that I am in your presence."

Scoffing I open the door wide for her, "Here you go my Queen." She grins and literally hops in. I roll my eyes yet again and close the door before walking to the drivers side.

"Why so extra?" I mutter to myself.


"Here's the container to fill up with gas." I hold out the gasoline tank, which Andrea takes from me and then steps out of my car. She quickly pays for the gas and once she's done, she puts the filled container inside of the trunk.

Once she gets in we head back to school for her car.

Andrea starts flipping through radio stations and comes across a loud rap song that she seems to like, since she finally stops fiddling with the radio and instead starts nodding her head to the beat.

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