1/ Playing Truth or Dare

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"Truth or dare?"

"I choose, dare." I decided

"Ohhkaay" she smiled mischievously.

Oh no.


I stared in shock gaping at my best friend.


She burst into another fit of laughter, only earning another glare from me.

In between her laughs she managed to say "I dared you- to go to Hunters house- and egg his car!"

Everyone who knows me, (which isn't too many people) know that I don't EVER back down from dares...unless its something super evil and/or would get me in jail.

I sighed and plopped down on my rug. Putting my face in the bowl of popcorn.

Don't judge.

"Gross! Ivy get your ugly face out of my popcorn!" Andrea commanded, scrunching her face up.

"Did you seriously just call me ugly?" She smirked at my accusing glare. "Because last time I checked, I'm the prettier one out of the both of us."

"Don't change the subject! Go egg Hunter's car."

I grumbled and after a couple of minutes debating, I finally agreed. So we got up and went to the fridge, looking for eggs so I could do my evil dare. While we got the supplies, I couldn't help but think of the horror I would face if I got caught.

At least my parents wouldn't be here if I did get in trouble.

My parents are always away on business trips so I pretty much always have the house to myself like 24/7. I know they love me and I love them but I still kinda wished they would've spent more time with me when I was younger. That way we could've been closer.

I'm now in 11th grade and don't need them as much anymore.

But if Hunter caught me...lets um, not think about that.

He's one of the most popular people at my school. Which means he has connections and control.

After all, it isn't what you know. Its who you know.

As for me, I'm not an outcast but I'm not super popular either. I'm uh, at that awkward in between stage?

I've never really talked with him before and I don't plan on it now.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Andrea repeatedly snapped her fingers in my face.

"Get these clothes on girl! We don't have all night."

She pointed to some clothes that were on the couch.

I put on the black pants, a black beanie that belongs to Andrea and a long sleeved black shirt that clung way too tight.

Why do I have this?

Wanting to get this over with I murmured, "Let's go." Putting a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

We walked out of my house into my black Lexus. She's practically my baby. Super shiny and clean. I make sure to wash her at least twice a week. Andrea thinks I'm crazy but I don't care.

We loaded the carton of eggs in my car and I get in the drivers seat. The drive isn't long since Hunter lives only three streets down. A right another right and then a left. I made sure to park near a dim streetlamp so it would be hard for anyone to see us in the shadows, just in case we got caught.

I glanced over at Andrea in the passengers seat expecting her to look excited but instead, she's biting her lip. A habit we both have when we are worried or thinking about something.

"You okay?" I ask.

She looks over at me with glassy eyes, lost in thought, then she shakes her head as if pushing all the bad thoughts away.

Then she smiles evilly, "I'm fine. Since you're the one egging Hunter's car." I groan.

"Gee thanks. Just don't rat me out okay?"

As I unbuckle my seat belt and climb out of the car she hands me the carton of eggs.

"I don't know what your talking about." She smiles innocently, "I am not going to see anything. And I promise I won't tell the police."

I roll my eyes and mutter a thanks. Then I go across the street up to Hunters house.

The lights are all off and I breathe a sigh of relief that everyone should be asleep.

I'm not a rude person, so instead of throwing the eggs, I crack them open and let the yolk fall onto his car. I put some yolk on the top, the windshield, and the back. I do this to 11 of the eggs and before I can do the last on, I get a buzzing text from my phone.
I have to calm my racing heart before quickly looking at who would be texting me.

Its Andrea.

Bestie: what r u doing?! Throw an egg don't crack them!

Me: well that's rude! It could get scratched!

Bestie: do it. Or it doesn't count as a complete dare!

Me: fine!

I'm so sorry hunter. Hopefully your car doesn't get scratched!

I throw the last egg at the drivers door, an something unexpected happens.

The car starts blaring. Loud.

Oh crap!

While the alarm goes off I quickly look up at his house and notice one of the top bedrooms light turns on.

No. No. No,no, no! I can't be sent to jail!

I race towards my car half hidden in the shadows and spot Andrea in the drivers seat motioning for me to hurry up and get in. I get in the car and we drive off. I look threw the rearview mirror to see a tall broad shouldered figure just walking out of the house. But thankfully he seems to be looking at the car covered in eggs and not at the direction where we were making our escape.

Andrea whooped and hollered "Wasn't that a rush?"

I gave her a big smile because it was actually thrilling. But as I look out the window I see that the guy standing near the car...is HIS CAR.

I see a glimpse of what I know as Hunters face. And let me tell you, he did not look happy. But I also noticed he had something in his hand. At first, I thought it was a gun or something but then I figured out what the object was.

I put my had on top of my head and expected to feel soft fabric. But instead, I felt my hair.

Oh no.

My suspicions were correct. Hunter had my beanie. Well, Andreas beanie.

This will not end well.

Hey my lovelies! How'd you like it?
what do you think Hunters gonna do?
Haha that was fun!
I'll try to publish a other chapter soon!

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