8/Coming Clean

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Hunters POV

I'm watching Ivory eat her cherry before she tells us what happened. But I find myself, deep in thought before she says anything.

Why was I so annoyed that Spencer had his hands on Ivory? To be honest I'm still kind of agitated about Spencer's prank on me. For some reason it really hit a nerve.

Spencer and I are the type of guys who can pretty much get whatever chick we want. Spencer usually picks them up and then drops them once he gets bored. He is never in a serious relationship. He's only ever been in a serious relationship with this one girl a long time ago. But something happened with her that made him not trust the girls he "dates". They broke up and he was never the same again. He always has his walls up with girls so that his heart won't break again.

But me, I don't do that. I personally think its not right what Spenc does. But most of the girls are just happy that they had his attention for a little while. Its true that lots of girls would love to be with me but I only date girls that have a real interest in me. Not just want to date me because I'm "Mr. Cool and popular". But I still don't understand why I got so mad that Spencer supposedly had Ivory wrapped around his finger already. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he got a girl to like him in a day.

I'm so glad it was a joke..

"So here's what happened.."  I was finally snapped back into reality once these words left Ivory's mouth.

Ivory is finally going to explain what she knows about my car getting egged. I haven't cleaned it yet because I've been too busy, and also because  I have a plan that needs my car to still be covered in egg yolk. Andrea and Ivory have been giving each other encouraging glances before they start the story.

"Okay so," started off Andrea "Ivy and I were at her house playing truth or dare. I gave Ivy a...really big dare that I thought would be awesome. Ivy never EVER backs down from a dare, so she agreed to do it. Even though she was still hesitant. And-"

"Okay but what does you two playing truth or dare have to do with Hunts car getting egged?" Cut in Spencer. Sometimes he's really slow to process things. I rolled my eyes and Andrea slapped his arm telling him not to interrupt. Once Spencer got quiet again, Ivory picked up where Andrea left off.

"Anyway. Andrea dared me to egg Hunters car. We got a carton of eggs and drove over to his house so I could accomplish the dare. Andrea stayed in the car while I got out and went to his car. I have my own car that I wash like twice a week so I have respect for nice looking cars. I wasn't sure if Hunter really likes his car or not so instead of throwing the eggs at the car I cracked them open above the car, so I wouldn't scratch the car."

She glanced up at me with a sheepish smile. But all I could think was that Ivory was so caring that even on a dare she was thinking about scratching a car. She's so good. Spenc and I need to fix that. I thought.

Andrea continued the rest of the story. "Yep. And after she did that to most of the eggs, I texted her that if she didn't throw the last one, the dare wouldn't count and I would kick her butt . She didn't want to do it, being the nice person she is, but eventually she came to her senses and threw the egg. It was awesome! Except, when she threw the last one, the impact made the cars alarm go off.  I drove us off as we noticed that one of the lights from a room turned on in your house."

Spencer looked surprised at the girls tale, probably not thinking that they would ever do such a thing. I mean, they are known as good girls at school. 

Andrea and Ivory both looked sorry, but Andrea wasn't as sorry as Ivory because she exclaimed."It was worth it though! Really fun to be all sneaky spy like." Ivory kept saying sorry to me and that she hoped my car wasn't scratched.

I remembered something that was in my back pocket and took it out.

Showing it to the girls I asked "Is this yours Andrea? When I went outside to check out my car I found this hat on the floor near the drivers door."

Andrea gasped dramatically and snatched it away me. She turned to Ivory shaking her hand in a scolding way. " Here's a lesson Ivory. Never leave evidence at the scene of a crime. Ever!" Ivory nodded in a mocked hurt way and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Wait." Andrea looked at me with a confused face. " How did you know it was mine?"

I chuckled and answered her, mocking her voice. "Tip number two for committing a crime, never wear something that might fall off with a logo or in this case initials."

Andrea looked at the tag and huffed playfully muttering " We're new at this."

Spencer was laughing really hard and little by little, we all joined in.

A thought occured to me, while we were laughing, that they still needed a punishment. And I came up with a perfect plan for revenge.

"Ivory and Andrea, I forgive you for the horrible deed you committed." They seemed to relax, but I wasn't letting them off that easy.

"But, I think as punishment you two should have the honor of ridding my car from egg yolk. Tomorrow after school you and Andrea can come to my house to tutor Spenc and I, and then clean my car."

I smiled evily at my plan and Ivory and Andrea both looked uneasy. But obviously guilt overcame their uneasiness and they both agreed, looking somewhat defeated.

Spencer and I were laughing at the thought of their punishment. Andrea was muttering something about "Jerks. Rude A's." And other insults that were directed at us while we walked out of Allison's Sweet Treats Ice Cream shop.

I drove Andrea home and Spencer dropped off Ivory at her house.


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