21/ Question After Question

655 30 7

Ivory's POV

This stress is too much.

Constantly having to worry about Ash popping out of nowhere, me having a breakdown, (which to be fair is very very close to happening right now.) and fear of Andrea's and I safety, is exhausting. 

I want a nap. Is it possible to sleep for the next, oh I don't know, 100 years?
"He's back? Your Ex is back?" Sighing I rub my eyes for the third time.

"Yes, Spencer." Glancing back up at the boys I see a look of concern on Hunter's face, and a curious look on Spencers.

"But like, how do you know?" Spenc is persistent. But, I'm tired of having to answer so many questions. So instead of answering, I look at Andrea, silently pleading with her to answer him, so I can have a break.

Being the great friends we are, she completely understands what I silently ask of her with just one look. "Well, we both got notes from him. Today Ivy and I discovered one on the windshield of my car. And about two weeks ago Ivory came home to find one on her bed. Being the creepy stalker Jay is, he uh, went into Ivory's room, laid down on her bed, and wrote a freaking letter."

Hunter's eyebrows shot up in surprise, causing me to blush.


I could feel everyone's gaze on me, which​ made me super uncomfortable. I hate being the center of attention, it makes me feel like I'm being judged. It reminds me of when Jay would constantly stare at me- not to compliment me or to be a sweet boyfriend-  but only to tell me something that he thought was "wrong" with me.

My cheeks continue to heat up when Spencer asks me, "How the hell did he get into your house Ivy?"

Fiddling with my hair to try and distract myself from everyone's stares, I answer quite sheepishly "Well, I haven't changed the password on my home security for years. So...when Jay and I were dating," I make a disgusted face, because I still can't believe I dated him. " The password was still the same then, so um...I guess he remembered it." My voice slowly got quieter and quieter. Until when I said remembered it, my voice was just a whisper.

Hunter shakes his head, "You should've at least thought to change it." 

"Well, I did change it." I snap. Hunter looks at me with a deadpanned expression.

Crossing my arms I let out a huff, "...I did change it as soon as I got the note."

Hunter shakes his head again, while Spencer copies him. Mockingly being disappointed in me. I slouch down into my seat in embarrassment.

I hate being scolded like a child. Especially by my friends who are the same age as me.

"I'm not the idiot here.." I mutter under my breath. But, because the universe hates me with a passion, Spencer hears what I said. He raises an eyebrow, and with that stupid smirk of his, asks in a singsong​ voice. "What was that Ivy?"

My face is without a doubt red. Burning red.

Andrea chuckles at my obvious discomfort, and Hunter gives me a genuine smile. He mouths something to me which I don't understand, making me tilt my head. He smiles even more before repeating what he mouthed earlier: "I'm just glad your safe right now."

If possible my face turns an even darker shade of red than before. I smile really widely at him, then shift my focus to the floor. All of a sudden my shoes seem pretty interesting right now.

After making a mental sidenote that I need to clean my converse, because honestly they are supposed to be white not grey.  I try to listen to what the others are saying- and try very hard I might add- to tune out of my crazy thoughts.

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