Chapter 27

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"Just go, Jake." Jake parked in front of Lee-Ann's house. He wanted to help me out but I didn't want to have extra things to explain. It was enough as it was.

"You know, you are strange sometimes. You are quite a primadonna, do you know? Seriously, sometimes I really don't know what to think about you." Instead of an answer, I stood up and went to the front door. Then I turned around.

"Call me tomorrow."

He nodded and I watched him drive away. I took out the key when I realised I haven't looked around. Just next to the door, there was a small silver chamomile and a nettle. Great, nothing escaped her. Though, the chamomile was rather touching. I picked them up and entered the door.

Lee-Ann was sitting in the living room, looking very angry.

"Do you know what time is it? Do you think this is some sort of a hotel?" She was starting to yell. I hadn't seen her so angry before. On the other hand, I never came back so late nor feeling so sick.

"I am sorry..." I whispered. She looked at the state I was in suspiciously.

"Are you having a hangover?" I shook my head. I reached to the wall and used it as a support to stand.

"I must have eaten something bad. I am just feeling really unwell." And to illustrate how unwell I felt, I just collapsed to the floor. Lee-Ann rushed towards me and almost caught me.

"OK, let me help you up, OK? Are you sure you need that weed with you?" I looked at the chamomile and nettle in my hand. Interesting. She couldn't see the silver colour or anything.

"It's for my collection." I protested, unable to think of any other excuse. Lee-Ann sighted. I think she now thought I was completely crazy. With her help, I managed to make it to my room.

"Rest now, we will talk later." I nodded. That was a good plan. I just collapsed into the bed.

At exactly 6:15 I opened my eyes again. I could hear the kids around the house. I reached for my bag and took out the mobile phone. Then I texted Saira explaining I wasn't feeling well, so would be skipping tonight class. She offered to stop by tomorrow morning. Once that was sorted, I closed my eyes again.

There was a knock on my door.

"How are you feeling? Do you want anything to eat?" Lee-Ann stood in the door. It was 8 pm. I didn't feel any more refreshed. My body was in pain.

"Yes, I will just have a shower." Maybe the food would help.

"OK, come downstairs when you are ready." I nodded.

I made my way to shower and let the water run through me. I felt like an empty shell. I washed my hair with my shampoo, the cinnamon smell I normally loved smelled so blank. In my room I looked at the newest silver flowers I found in the front garden. I didn't even remember that I placed them on my drawers. I touched them, they felt warm. My headache disappeared. Maybe that's what I needed. I took on jogging pants and a jumper and went down for the dinner.

"There is a soup in the kitchen." Lee-Ann motioned from the sofa where she was watching a movie with the kids towards the kitchen. I nodded as if she could see me and went to the kitchen.

Lee-Ann prepared carrot and coriander soup. I had to smile. My favourite soup - she couldn't be so angry with me after all. I took a little into a bowl and sat down. The soup was warm and smelled so sweet. It was a heaven.

"Feeling better?" I heard Lee-Ann coming from the living room. She sat next to me.

"Yes. I am sorry. I am sorry about yesterday. We just went out after work and then I felt really sick and I just couldn't be bothered to come here." She nodded.

"At least you sent me a message. Just don't do it again, ok?"

"No worries. I am not really planning to." Lying to Lee-Ann was a hard thing. I genuinely liked her. It was like having a second mum.

"Is it OK if I would go away this weekend?" I asked her and Lee-Ann just sighted.

"Thanks." I smiled. I would have hugged her, but I think given the situation that would be a little bit too much.

"What am I to do with you..." Lee-Ann smiled. "I will let you finish the dinner."


"Any plans for tonight?" She asked before leaving. I shook my head.

"No, it's straight back to bed for me." She just nodded in agreement and walked away. I finished the soup and washed the bowl. Then I went upstairs to pick up my keys. I heard a round of good nights as I was passing Lee-Ann and the kids comfortably sitting on the sofa. I wished them goodnight back and then left the house via the front door unnoticed. I had until the morning, it was time to run with the wind.


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