Chapter 37

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I was so cold I was shaking. Well, I was not really shaking, because something warm was wrapped around me, which was really nice feeling. I gave in the warm softness and tucked into sleep.

Some time later, the shaking stopped and my body finally accepted that it could rest. Was I supposed to open my eyes again? I was really not in the mood. I felt safe and in no rush. Instead, I ran my hands over the source of heat. It turned out it was a male body. He felt so soft and nice and I just sighted. He smelled of wood and the wind and something else. I grazed his neck with my nose. I could feel him tensing in the embrace. It felt right, I could feel his energy flowing, the only energy source in the room and I was just attracted to it like a moth to the light. What would happen if I kissed him? I decided to test it. I gently kissed his neck and then continued through his jaw line. Suddenly he simply turned my head towards him and kissed me on my lips. It felt great. He deepened the kiss and I felt like I could just melt in. He covered me and kept on kissing. All I wanted was to feel him with every inch of my skin. It was a glorious feeling as there was not much in between of us.

"I don't want to spoil the party, but seriously?" Someone else interrupted us.

The kiss stopped. I opened my eyes only to find out I am staring straight into Jake's face. He looked slightly breathless. I smiled, for once I got his attention. I couldn't stop staring at Jake's lips, so I reached to kiss him again. It just felt like that was the best thing to do.

"OK, that's more than enough." Said the annoying voice and Jake's face was removed out of my sight.

"Get some clothes on." Once again the bossy voice said. I was not sure what was going on, but I was suddenly much colder. I just shook as the last resonance of the trance was wearing off. Then I started to focus on what was actually going on. I remembered this room... Of course, I was in Jake's bedroom. Well, to be precise, in his bed, as usual. And I was just in my underwear. And the cold voice had to be Jonathan.

"Where the hell are my clothes?" I tried to keep my voice even, as I was covering myself with a blanket that was lying next to me. No wonder I was feeling cold.

"Seriously? You spent most of the evening trying to get one of us naked and you will be playing the shy one?" Jonathan sounded colder than cold and seriously angry. Of course, it was him who was talking before, who literally picked up Jake from the bed and now was standing next to it staring me down. That was the pretty awkward situation.

"Pretty please?" I tried to sound like joking but it didn't make any difference to the overall mood in the room. There was nothing I could do to make the situation better.

"Here you go," Jake handed me my clothes, now sporting a T-shirt and jeans. I thought I did prefer him a bit more naked.

"Not again," Jonathan looked positively bored. He was looking stiff like he was about to jump after my neck. I didn't appreciate being looked at as if I was the next thing on the menu. On the other hand, I decided that I would probably look less vulnerable if I was a little bit more dressed, so I started to put on the t-shirt. Neither Jonathan or Jake moved.

"Would you mind to give me a little bit of privacy?" I snapped at Jonathan since it was pretty hard to look dignified, put on a t-shirt and get covered at the same time.

"Not that you would be so concerned before..." Jonathan muttered as he walked away. At least Jake didn't need any more encouragement and he left silently.

Once they were both out of the room, I quickly put on the t-shirt and jeans and then I started to leave the bed. I say, started to leave... as I tried to stand up, the whole world started to spin again. I didn't want to ask for help, instead, I used the wall to support myself as I walked to the next room. Jonathan and Jake were just standing next to the table, waiting for me. So I simply sat down on the nearest chair as gracefully as possible.

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