Chapter 31

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What was the nice smell? It took me a while to realise that it was a coffee. I breathed in the aroma again. Hmmm. Sweet. I didn't remember that Lee-Ann would ever buy this blend, she preferred a bit stronger flavour, less refined.

"So, that's the magical trick to wake you up." I heard a male voice. I opened my eyes quickly and - why was Jake shirtless? It was a nice look but why was he serving me a coffee? Then, I was in his bed. Again.

"Why exactly am I in your bed?" I asked suspiciously. It seemed it was becoming rather a habit in the past few days.

"And here I thought you are the witch." Jake looked a bit hurt. Well, more than a bit.

"At this moment I am the girl... um, in underwear." I checked that I actually had some. Again. That was rather odd. Jake was just observing me silently. Then he sat down on the bed next to me.

"Who do you think I am?" He asked me after a moment and handed me the mug.

"What do you mean?" I asked my eyes fixed on the coffee. I was a bit puzzled. The coffee was nice though and I took a deep sip.

"I already told you I like my girls conscious. And frankly, it's not exactly flattering you only kiss me when you are high or whatever." Now I could tell he sounded positively hurt more than anything else.

"I was not high." I objected. I didn't exactly remember how did I get there or how I got undressed but I was positive I didn't take any drugs. I never do.

"You drank half of bottle of whiskey and some gin before I stopped you." He said and I could feel his eyes judging me. I wanted to object, but I had the feeling that he was factually correct. Certainly, that would explain the way I felt. I almost smiled - my first hangover.

"I don't drink normally that much," I whispered. "Well, to be honest, I normally don't get drunk. You know, being a witch and so on." I sipped the coffee. It was life-saving. I waited for him to say anything but he just kept watching me. He should have taken some shirt on or something. Well, I would have probably felt better if I was more dressed too.

"Can you pass me my clothes by any chance?" I asked. I didn't like we always simply ended up in his bedroom almost naked, me usually not remembering what happened. It simply didn't look good for either of us.

"Now you are going to be shy? You know it was mostly you who took them off?" I was not sure to what degree he was teasing me or telling me off. I could believe that it was me who took them off. Who knows what I did when I got drunk because seriously I didn't. Though, he said almost. I liked the sound of it. Almost but I didn't strip completely. Or did he meant he helped me with something? Instead of passing me my clothes, he just stood up and walked away. He came back after a few minutes with them. He threw them my way without saying anything or looking at me directly. Then he just walked away to the other room, presumably to give me some privacy.

"Will you explain what happened yesterday or that's it?" He asked me and I was thinking about it for a second. I could have just get dressed and walk away. Though I felt as if I did owe him some explanation. I was not sure where to start, though, so I started by putting some clothes on.

"You know how I said that I lived her death?" I didn't wait for Jake to nod because I fully expected him to be out of sight. "Well, the thing is, I feel her pain. Like all the time. Well, to be fair, just when Jonathan is around." And I put on my jumper.

"What do you mean?" Jake was standing back in the door frame, this time looking rather concerned.

"I think the best way to put it is that Jonathan is making me physically sick. Literally and totally. In the worst way possible." Jake was simply staring at me.

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