Chapter Six

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Niall's POV

Noooooooooooooo!!!!!" Louis screamed in defense. Trying to make me stop. I began to dig around in his head.

"Harry. What the hell were you thinking?"


"Louis? She's such a great kisser. Let me down and lets make her feel special."


"Your right, she is. Okay."

I skipped some until the pale eyes caught my gaze.

Louis got it all right except each time Harry's eyes flickered, his hair turned blonde aswell. I've seen those features somewhere, I just can't quite put my finger on it.

I withdrew from Louis' mind just before he slipped out of consciousness.

"Hey, hey he-he-hey. Your alright. It's okay. It's over." I said trying to comfort him. He nodded in response with his eyes closed. Blood began to trickle out of his nose and over his lips.

I unlocked the handcuffs and gently took them off of his wrists.

"Please, don't do that again. Promise me." Louis began, his voice croaky and strained.

"Okay." I said as I took his weight, while he was recovering.

"I mean it Niall. You have no idea how horrible that was, and you never will. Your the only one who can do that and you've done that to a lot of people. Though you haven't and never will, experience it. So promise me, you won't do that to me again."

"I promise, Louis. I promise you'll never experience that again."


Louis' POV

"So was your little trip into my mind a waste of effort. Or did you actually find something?" I asked, a little anxious and still strained.

"Yes. I actually did." Niall replied. "You were right, except each time his eyes turned so did his hair, to blonde. I'm in disbelief that you didn't pick that up. I've seen those exact features somewhere, but I can't remember where." He continued.

"You know Niall, I kinda was being TORTURED at the time. Just in case that slipped your mind, that might have been why I missed that." I yelled at him. Sometimes I wonder about him.

He got up from his chair and helped me off the table. I was still a little weak and my head throbbed. I was extremely tired and wished to go to bed and fall into a deep, calming sleep where all my worries could melt away for a while.

I continued to be covered in blood as we reached the top of the stairs. My arm pressured against Niall's opposite shoulder as we came to a hault. Alex had rushed over to us with a worried look as she began to notice my blood stained complexion.

Niall gave me a sad glare before a shy smile. He vampire sped over to and up the stairs, into his room and closing the door.

"What the hell happened to you?" Alex asked worriedly.

"Harry -" i was cut off.

"Enough said." She began as her head fell to the ground.

"Everything is fine. Okay?" She nodded in response.

Suddenly she put her arms behind my neck as she jumped and wrapped her legs around my hips. She gently landed her lips on mine before the kiss turned passionate. She curled her tiny fingers around my hair as she deepened the kiss even more.

Man, she was a great kisser. We both pulled away as she unwrapped her legs and put her feet once again, upon the ground.

"It's a good thing we aren't in bed because I don't think I'd be able to control myself." I said before I slightly laughed, Alex joining in.

"So what exactly happened down there?"

"Niall found me strung up, cuts all over me. I almost died. So Niall bit me, excruciating but it healed me." I answered.

"Why didn't you heal yourself? Your a vampire."


"What do you mean 'sortof'?"

"I'll tell you later. I have to have a shower, sleep and possibly hunt first. Okay?"

"Okay. But as soon as your finished doing that. Find me." I nodded in repsonse.

"You can go now." She said.

I complied as I sped up the stairs and into my room.

I walked into my bathroom and took a nice long shower. Washing away all of my blood that had dried across my tired body. Once I was finished I dried myself and put some boxers on, ready for bed.

Well that was definitely NOT what I expected.

I can't believe he had the guts to show up here, after what he did.

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