Chapter Twenty Eight

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There is a sex scene in this chapter. It is marked beforehand in case anyone wants to skip it.

Alex's POV

Liam helped Maddy to her feet, she stumbled slightly but was held up by strong arms. Her eyes trailed over the skin of her arms and her neck tilted slightly. She seemed like a toddler discovering something new. Her lips parted just enough for me to see her fangs peek out from within her mouth. Her tongue ran over them as her eyes darted over to me and a smirk grew across her expression.

"Maddy?" I cautiously asked, my eyebrows slightly furrowed.

She took a deep breath in, sniffing her nose towards me, "you smell," she exhaled, "delicious."

She moved to attack me, but Liam grabbed her arms as Louis stepped protectively in front of my body. Liam nodded vaguely toward Louis as he and Maddy sped into the darkness. My body shook involuntarily, and tears slipped down, splashing silently onto my chest.

Louis turned and embraced me in his arms, but I moved away, looking up into his eyes. "Can we just go home? Please." More tears escaped as he nodded down to me.

I turned back to look at Zayn, but he wasn't there, the night eating at my vision instead.

We arrived back at the mansion. My emotions swelled in me like a choppy ocean in a hammering storm; I was the boat about to sink into the deep blue.

"Do you want something to eat?" Louis asked as we made our way into the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry," my tone flat as I sat at the kitchen bench.

"You need something. You haven't eaten since yesterday—"

"Is this normal? What's wrong with her?" I watched the words spill onto the counter, a small frown encroaching on my forehead.

He sighed, "she, she died, Alex." My frown grew considerably. "She was dead. She is dead. Sometimes the venom changes you. Some of the old her is probably still there. Just give her some time."

With that the door opened and obnoxious laughter sprung through the walls as Maddy and Liam walked loudly towards us.

Her smile turned neutral as her gaze landed on me. "Hey," she said quietly.

"Hey. Uhm, we're gonna have something to eat if you want anything?" I said gesturing behind me to Louis.

"Why? Are you offering?" She smirked and my expression dropped, fear creeped over my face. She turned back towards the stairs, "come on Liam."

"Wait," I spoke out, "what's your problem?"

She spun to face me, her shoes scuffing the floor. "Oh, did you miss the part where you had me turned into a vampire after I died, coming to rescue you? You know what? Maybe I should be thanking you. There's nothing like ripping into the flesh of something innocent and then draining them of their blood. Mm, you should try it sometime." She vanished out of the room and out of sight.

I fell back against the counter, the sting of tears brimming in my eyes. Liam whispered a "sorry," before he too sped out of my vision.

I suddenly heard the front door slam and Niall appeared in front of me. His arms immediately wrapped around my fragile body as I welcomed his comforting embrace.

Madeline's POV

*Mature Sex Scene Ahead*

"Bit harsh, don't you think?" Liam said as he entered the room.

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