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Mari woke up to her alarm going off. She sighed, and leaned over her bed, turning it off. Mari threw the blankets off of her, and hopped out of bed. She walked over to her closet, and grabbed her favorite black and white dress, and some flats.

Mari ran downstairs after brushing her hair. "Morning, Love." Her mom smiled. "Hey, momma." She kissed her cheek, and grabbed her keys. "Ooh, does Mari have a hot date?" Her younger brother joked. Mari rolled her eyes. "I do not, I'm going to hang out with Eliza at Freddy's." Her mom eyed her suspiciously. "There.. Why?" She shrugged. "It's just for her sister's birthday." Her mom nodded. "Be careful." She smiled. "It's fine. I'll be back in a little bit."

For years Mari's mom avoided Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria since the disappearance of Mari's father. He went in one night for work, and never came back.

"Mom, can I go with her." Her brother jumped up. "No." Mari deadpanned him. He sighed. Mari's brother was only six when their dad disappeared. Mari was thirteen, but it had been a good four years since she'd gone to Freddy's and she missed it sometimes. "Okay, I'm off!" She smiled, and hugged her brother before ducking out the door, and driving off.

 Mari pulled into the parking lot. She stared at the building, and hesitantly stepped out of her car. Just as she stepped out she was hit with a wave of nostalgia. The faint sounds of children playing, wafting scent of pizza. She smiled, and eagerly stepped inside her second home. Her eyes drifted from the lit up stage to a waving hand. Eliza sat a table two rows back from the stage Mari sat down next to her, and grabbed a piece of pizza, it was still hot. "Where's Bethany?" She asked. Eliza shrugged, and pointed over to the two kids at the edge of the stage. She smiled, and Eliza quickly got up and brought the two kids back over. Bethany sat down with her best friend Jeremy. "Happy birthday, little miss double digits." Bethany giggled as she and Jeremy began eating.

In the middle of everyone's conversations Jeremy stopped, and smiled "Did you guys know that someday I'm gonna work here, and I'll get to stay after hours." He laughed. "Doesn't that sound awesome, Bethany?" The girl nodded, and laughed. "After hours, I didn't know there was graveyard shift for Freddy's." Eliza whispered to Mari. She nodded. "How could you not? There's a new job application weekly, sometimes daily." Eliza shrugged, and went back to eating. Mari's eyes traveled back to the stage as the purple curtains opened up once again. The animatronics movement seemed off beat, and not as stiff as they usually were. "Do they seem kinda, I don't know nervous or something?" She looked to Eliza. "Not really. Hey, why do they need people for a graveyard shift." Mari shrugged. "They're guards, though I don't know why they need them.. I mean every day my dad would come home from work and say how bored he was the night before, that the animatronics didn't even do anything." A laugh was heard from behind them. The girls turned to face a boy about their age with brown hair, and scars that trailed down his forehead. "You know, they say the only reason the animatronics move around during the night is because the suits are haunted by the souls of dead children." Mari rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, how'd they die." He smiled "A guard murdered them, they took one into questioning but released him due to no bodies being found." Eliza scoffed "You're joking right?" "I don't know, dad said he thought it may have been haunted too. What's your name boy?" She looked at him "Michael, my friends call me Mike though." She nodded, "Mari." She offered up her hand for him to shake, he nodded and took her hand. "Your dad worked here?" "Yeah, till he disappeared." Mike nodded "Not surprising, they never really tell the people how many people actually go missing working here." "Do a lot of people go missing?" Mike nodded "All the time." A screeching noise filled the air, and Mari froze. Her vision moved to the now glitching animatronics. Through the now twisted music she heard voices "Save them." "Don't let him get them." "RUN" Mari quickly stood up, a shriek came from Kids' Cove and Jeremy and Bethany booked it over to the two girls. "Let's go!" Mari shouted, and grabbed Jeremy. Eliza picked up Bethany and they ran to the doors. She had just stepped outside when she stopped to put Jeremy down then everything went black. The last thing she heard was Jeremy screaming, and a man's laughter.  

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