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Mangle, Foxy, Mari, and Jeremy were playing in Kids Cove while they waited for Feddy and the gang so they could play hide and seek. They climbed around on Foxy's ship, playing pirates of course. Mangle stood on the bow of the ship, wooden sword drawn. "I am the ship guardian! Guardian of the ship!" She yelled. "Poseidon quivers before her!" Mari screamed after her. Mangle pointed her sword toward Balloon Boy, who sat on the ground below the ship with a smile on his face. "Fuck off!" She screamed. "Language!" Mari yelled. Mangle turned to Mari, and shushed her. "Can I be a ship guardian too?" Jeremy asked Mari. "Of course, Kid." He smiled. Bonnie entered the cove. "Hey losers. Ready for hide and seek?" She pointed to the small group of children around Freddy and Chica. Mari spotted Emma within the group, and smiled. She jumped down from the ship. "Yep!" Foxy followed after her, while Mangle jumped down and helped Jeremy get off too. "Who is it?" She asked. "I'll be it." Freddy said. "Great." Mangle nodded. "Scatter!" Foxy screamed, throwing her sword to the ground. Kids and animatronics alike dashed out of the room to hide.

Mari searched for a place to hide. She walked down a dark hallway she was sure she'd walked just the night before. There were a few doors. One was labeled "Office" She pushed at the door and it opened easily. Mari peaked inside. It was dark, save for a small light coming from a computer. She stepped inside, and closed the door. She gazed at the computer, pulling the roller chair up to the desk so she could sit. Cameras all around the restaurant filled the screen. She flipped through the cams, looking to see who was in and who was out. The door creaked open, and Mari ducked under the desk quickly. "Uh, hello?" A vaguely familiar voice called out. A face met hers, and she realized it was the boy from the day she.. She shyly waved at him. "Hey." He smiled, and stood up, letting her get out from under the desk. The boy flicked on a light, and his eyes widened. "Who are you..?" Mari sighed, and leaned against the desk. "Mari. You're Mike right?" Mike nodded, and the name and voice slowly registered in his mind. "Mari.. oh god. You're d-dead?" He reached out to touch her, and she flinched back. "Uh, yeah I am." Mike muttered a sorry as his hand dropped to his side. "What happened? I thought you got out before me." She shrugged "A lot happened.. I don't know how it all did either, all I know is it was that bunny suit guy." Mike nodded. "Pedohare. He's got a rep around Freddy's. Things like this happen more often than you'd think." Mari laughed. "Pedohare. Dumbest thing ever." Mike smiled. "I came up with it." She smiled. "That's why it's dumb." He rolled his eyes. "So, what are you doing puppet girl?" She nodded toward the computer screen, which showed Freddy searching for players. "Hide and seek." Mike scoffed. "Really? You're sixteen playing hide and seek with five year olds, and robots?" She shrugged. "Five year olds and dead thirteen year olds." Mike looked over her shoulder at the cameras. "They're dead too, why am I not surprised?" Mari turned to look at the cameras. "They've all been her longer than I have." "How long? Do you know?" He asked. "I think Mangle said like eight years or so." Mike shook his head. "Man, eight years. I don't think I could do it." Mari sighed softly. "I have to do it now." Mike laughed awkwardly. "Right.. So how long do you think it'll take for them to find you?" He quickly changed the subject. "Well, Freddy only found Chica, Bonnie and a few of the kids. So I'd say a pretty good while." "Great hiding spot then." She smiled. "Exactly. Do you wanna play with us next round?" She looked at him. "We'll see." He answered nervously. "Come on, Mike. I know you came here alone, you did the other day too. So you've got two options, eat pizza alone, or play hide and seek with the dead. Which sounds better?" Mari playfully nudged his shoulder with his. He smiled "Fine, I'll play next round." "Great! Shall we place bets on who Freddy will find next?" Mike shrugged. "Sure." "It's gonna me Mangle." Mike chuckled "Yeah, probably."

Freddy continued his search for Mari, having found the other animatronics and the kids. He sent Mangle through the vents in hopes to find her faster.

The white fox climbed through the vents looking for her friend. Laughing echoed through the tunnels, but it wasn't kids. Teenagers maybe? She followed the sound to the office. She looked down to see Mari and someone else. Mangle smiled and quickly turned around to report back to Freddy.

Mike and Mari sat in the office laughing with each other. "I don't think I've laughed more than I have ever since I started hanging out with Mangle and Foxy." Mike smiled. "Really? I always thought Foxy would be a serious guy." "Girl." Mari corrected. "What?" He looked at her confused. "Foxy, she's a girl." The door creaked open and Freddy and Bonnie looked inside. "Hey Mari you won!" Bonnie screamed. Mike jumped back and slipped backwards, taking down Mari with him. "Shit!" She shouted as she fell down. Mike quickly stood up, and dusted himself off. "I am so sorry." He offered his hand to Mari. She took it, and stood up. "It's cool, dude." She playfully punched his arm in pay back. "Ow.. hah dude that actually hurt." He rubbed his arm. "Hey Freddy, can Mike hang with us?" Mari asked, ignoring the boy. Freddy shrugged. "Sure, but we got a show to do." "Okay, I'll be in the cove then." Mari followed the bear and bunny out of the room. "You coming?" She looked back at Mike. "Uh, yeah I'll be out in a bit." She nodded, and left.  

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