Ch. 3

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At about twelve thirty Foxy offered the idea to play a game of hide and seek. The group agreed, and after a bit of arguing, Mari was dubbed it. Within the first ten minutes Mari had found Chica backstage, and Freddy in a closet.

"Foxy, where are you?" She called around the empty halls but only got back an echo. She'd already checked in Kids Cove, and moved to continue her journey. A loud banging stopped her in her tracks. Right next to her foot Mari noticed an open vent. "Gotcha." She smirked and ducked inside the vent. A little boy crawled through the vent. "Uh.. Hello?" Mari spoke up. "Hello." He responded, not looking back. "Hey, kid you should get out there, and get home." The boy laughed, and turned around. "I am home!" Mari jumped back. "Oh my God, it's not human!" She screamed, falling on her back. She looked up, and met Mangle's eyes. "Aye, Mangle! I found a thing." Mari pointed to the vent. Mangle dropped down from the ceiling, and looked into the vent. "Oh, hey BB." She waved at him. "Hello." He smiled. "Who the hell is he?" Mari asked. "Language!" Mangle shouted. "Fuck!" Mari shouted back. "Stop that! Balloon Boy this is Mari, Mari, Balloon Boy." He waved to Mari. "Hello." "This does not help." Mari looked at Mangle. "Right, Foxy never told you about him. This would be the little shit she asked about when you first showed up." Mari nodded. "Noted. Well," She stood and dusted off her skirt. "I'm going to go find Foxy." She walked off. She heard Balloon Boy laugh as he continued his adventures in the vents.

Mari stepped into the prize corner, and opened her box. Foxy's silver eyes met her own. "Hello." Foxy smiled. "Um... that's my box.." Mari laughed. "Sorry." Foxy jumped out of the box. "Gonna go find Bon Bon now." Mari left the room, and ran down the hall. Foxy, Chica, Freddy, and Mangle all trailed behind her. Mangle grabbed BB, and put him on her hip. "I found you!" Mari smiled, as she watched Bonnie step into a dimly lit room. She poked her head inside, and saw Bonnie standing next to man, leaning over a desk. "O-oh my God! She's he-here!" The man screamed, and hid under the desk. Mari giggled, and stepped into the room. "Found you." Mari poked Bonnie, who frowned at her. Mangle entered the room, "Mari, this is Fritz, he's the night guard this week." She motioned to the man under the desk. "Hello." BB waved at him. Fritz smiled softly, and waved back. "H-hey.. So-orry.. I'm j-ust a bit.. J-jumpy." He stood up, and fixed his glasses. He put out his hand for her to shake. She smiled. "I'm Mari." And took his hand. "F-fritz." He chuckled. "So, hide and seek?" BB looked up at Mangle. "O-oh! That's wh-at you guys were up t-to.. I th-thought you were go-oing to ambush me or something!" He laughed. Mari smiled. "Nope, just hide and seek." "We should play this tomorrow with the kids." Mangle said. "Oh, that's a great idea! We could round up Emma, and a few others to play with us." "W-well, it's already to-tomor-row." Fritz spoke up. "It's about five fifty nine." Foxy gasped from the hallway. "Five fifty nine?" "Five fifty nine!" The others chimed behind her. "Batteries!" BB squealed in Mangle's arms. Mangle giggled. "Let's head back to our places." She left the office, with Mari, and Bonnie. "I'll see you guys in a few!" Mari waved as she wandered off to the prize corner.

Mari slept in her box for a bit. It was now filled with plushies so in some ways it was more comfy. After a while, the sounds of giggling, and squealing children filled her ears. Mari stepped out of the box, and searched the main dining hall for Emma, but couldn't spot her. She frowned, though maybe she could make some new friends. She took an unnecessary breath in, and walked over to Kids Cove as parents and kids alike stared at her.

She sighed softly as she entered the Cove. She spotted Mangle in the room standing in front of a boy with brown hair that she knew to be Jeremy. She smiled softly, and Mangle waved her over. She quickly stepped over to the pair. "Hey, Jeremy." He looked up at her nervously. "M-mangle who's she?" She smiled softly "This is Mari, she's a friend of mine." Jeremy smiled softly. "I-i had a friend named Mari, I haven't seen her in a few days though." He pouted a little. Mari's smiled softened at his words. Mangle sighed. "Hey, how about when Foxy, and Freddy and the gang get done with their performances we play some hide and seek?" She asked. Jeremy smiled. "I'd love that. Mari, will you play with us?" He looked up at her. "Absolutely." She nodded. 

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