Ch. 9

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New friends Part 3

No no no! Not again, you can't do this to me again! Mari thought as she ran into the dining room.

She expected a scene similar to her own beginnings, but this was worse. Mari froze in fear. There they were, plain as day. His laughter echoed through the air as kids and parents alike ran for the doors once again. "My god.. Anti and Dark are back.." She muttered in disbelief.

"Oh no, Dark.. Everyone's leaving." Anti chuckled a glitchy chuckle. "That's too bad, the party is just getting started." Dark smiled when his eyes landed on Mari. "F-foxy!" She screamed. Foxy came running as soon as she was called.

"What's happening?" She looked around the now calm chaos. Everyone had left,the lights flickered, and all that could be heard was the familiar high pitched ringing Dark emitted. The only thing Mari could manage to do was point at the two entities before her.

Mike ran up behind them, and grabbed Mari's shoulder. "I was in the office, the computers went out and I heard screaming. What did I miss?" He spoke quickly. "I don't know, who ever they are." Foxy pointed at them. "Would you just shut up?" Anti growled, stopping the conversation. "Little Mari, would you like to tell your friends who we are?" Dark asked. "Oh no, I remember you guys. I'm good. You never forget seeing your classmates turn to demons." Mike nodded. "Great!" Anti spat. "I'm lost here!" Foxy raised her hand.

"An explanation would be great!" Chica shouted from the stage. Freddy and Bonnie shouted their agreements. "Anti would you make those idiots shut up?" Dark looked at Anti, who smiled showing off his fangs. "Gladly." The speakers went silent, the lights went dark. Then a loud feedback pushed from the speakers as the lights turned back on. "Ah what the-" Mike covered his ears as the animatronics on stage seemed to glitch and then froze. Foxy and Mari looked at each other. "We're screwed." Foxy muttered. Mari nodded.

Mangle dropped down from the rafters above. "Wow, Mari was right!" Anti sighed. "How many idiots are in this place?" He hissed. "Counting you, three." Mari dead panned him. "Ooh am I one?" Mangle raised her hand, and jumped up and down. Mari sighed. "Yes, Dark and Anti are the other two. You made me explain the joke, why do you do this to me Mangle?" "Shut up! Just shut up! I can't kill you if you keep talking!" Dark shouted. "Isn't that Google's line?" Mari asked. "Wait, Dark how does she- Anti no one cares!" Dark stopped him. "Um.. we're already dead so.." Foxy explained. "Oh my god! I hate everyone here right now!" Dark sighed. "Me too?" Anti asked him softly. "Yes.." Dark muttered.

Mari gazed down at Mike. He was now in a ball on the floor, he looked up at Mari with deep fear in his eyes. "You know, instead of destroying them we could use them." Anti smiled at Dark. Foxy gave Mari a glance, and she shrugged. "How dumb are they?" Mangle asked. "Big dumb.." Foxy answered. "The foxes don't want to join us, what about you little Mari?" Dark glared at her. Mari stuttered, not knowing what to say. "N-no.." She muttered. "What did you say?" Dark stepped toward Mari. She looked up at him. "I said no!" He grabbed her by the collar of her dress. "You have no right to say no to me." Dark smirked at her. Mari looked over her shoulder, Foxy and Mangle were frozen now too, and Anti held Mike, knife pulled to the boy's throat. Dark threw her against the wall.

"Hey idiots! Get out of my restaurant!" A familiar voice screamed. Mari looked at him and gasped. "Holy shit.." She said shakily. "Put her down now!" He yelled again. Dark chuckled. "Or what?" He spoke, not even looking at the man. "You don't know who you're messing with Kid." Dark chuckled. "And who's that?" He dropped Mari to the floor. She shut her eyes tight, scared for what would come next. She heard someone land with a thud.

Mari opened her eyes again to see Dark on the floor. He sat up slowly, groaning and rubbing his temples. "God what happened?" Mark muttered. "Let go of my son." The man glared at Anti, who slowly let Mike go. "Now, get out!" He screamed. Anti smirked, and chuckled. "As you wish." He bowed and looked up with a dark smile. The lights flickered out. "I'll be back my puppet." Anti whispered in Mari's ear, and she shivered.

The lights went back up, Mark was gone. Mangle and Foxy rushed to help me up as Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy jumped down from the stage. "Thanks Dad.." Mike muttered, and moved to stand next to his father. The animatronics glared at him. "This is your dad?" Mari asked, her tone filled with anger. "Uh, yeah.. Why?" Mike looked at the group, confused. The man beside Mike chuckled, and shot them a wicked grin. "Afton.." Foxy growled, getting ready to jump at him. Mari put her arm in front of Foxy, stopping her. Foxy looked back at Mari. She stepped in front of the animatronics. "Get out before I let them kill you.." She glared at him. 

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