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Mari sat in her box, listening to the squeals, and laughter of the kids just outside. She sighed, and peaked out of her box. What if she just stayed with Mangle? She could play with her, but she knew the kids would be scared of her. She didn't want to bother them. "Hello.." A small voice broke the silence. A little girl, maybe four with deep raven hair, and crystal blue eyes stood in front of her. Mari smiled softly. "H-hi." The girl smiled, "I'm Emma." Mari stepped out of her box, kneeled in front of Emma. "I'm Mari." The girl hugged her. Mari giggled. "What brings you here?" Emma pointed to a women with similar hair, sitting at a table, reading. "My momma." She laughed. "No, over here, Love." Emma shrugged. "Don't know, thought it would be fun to explore." Mari nodded. She looked around, and picked up a Foxy plush, and handed it to the little girl. "Here, I hope you like Foxy." Emma's eyes lit up. "Yeah, she's so nice, her and Mangle are my favorites." She cuddled the fox close. "But, I think you're my new favorite." Mari smiled. She'd made a friend on the first day. "Thank you, Emma." She nodded. "Do you wanna play with me, and Mangle?" The girl bounced on her toes. "Sure." She nodded, and stood up. Emma grabbed her hand, and lead her to Kid's Cove. The parents eyed Mari cautiously, but she didn't mind now that she was with Emma. Mangle looked up from the little boy she was playing with, and smiled. "Hi Emma!" She waved. "I see you've met my new friend." Mangle giggled. Emma nodded happily. "She found me in my box." Mari smiled softly. "Thanks, Emma. She's new here, y'know?" She winked, and Emma giggled.

Soon enough Emma's mom called her to eat, and Mari looked out the window to see the sunset already. Mangle stood next to her. "So, you know Emma?" Mari asked, not moving her gaze from the sunset. "Yeah. Her mom brings her pretty often. She's been coming since she was two, and playing with me since she stepped foot in the cove." Mari nodded slowly. "She's starting school soon though, once summer ends. Which sucks, since we won't see her as often." Mangle sighed. "Foxy really likes her too, we all do." Mari smiled. "She's sweet." Mangle nodded. "Yes, but like most kids she'll grow up, and forget about us. Is that why you left, Mari?" She looked at Mangle. "W-what?" Mangle sighed. "You loved us, what happened to that?" Mari took a nervous step back. "M-my dad, it was because of him. I really missed you guys, but my mom wouldn't let us come back after.. H-he.. disappeared." "Your dad?" Mangle questioned. "Yeah, he worked here, then one night he never came home." "Who was he? Maybe I'll remember him." Mangle told her. "His name was Mathew. Mangle shook her head. "I don't remember a Mathew, but I try not remember any of them honestly." "I can't believe we're still open after yesterday." Mari quickly changed the subject. "Yeah, I think it's cause business is good." Mangle shrugged. "Oh.." Mari nodded. "Plus, no one really cares as long as one of us didn't kill someone." "Wait, someone killed a kid?" Mangle sighed. "Not exactly. Uh, back in '83 Fred Bear.. Goldie, he malfunctioned because these kids shoved a little kid into his mouth, it was awful. It wasn't his fault though! Those kids, it was their fault. He was ruined, and blamed himself for years." Mangle explained. "Do you know who he was? That kid." Mari asked. "Yeah, his name is Mike. He's still alive, and visits often. I just wish Goldie would come out, and fix it." Mari sighed. "That's awful." Mangle nodded. "Come on, let's get back to the cove." "All right."

It was closing time, Emma gave Mari, Mangle, and Foxy hugs before following her mom, and waving goodbye.

"One day until Saturday." Mangle sighed. "Four more to go!" Chica announced loudly. "What happens on Saturday?" Mari asked. "We're closed for the weekend." Freddy answered happily. "Oh.." She nodded. "Which means we don't have to deal with the kids for a bit." Bonnie rolled his eyes. "Is it that bad?" Mari asked. "Hell yes." Chica replied. "No, they just hate being trapped here." Mangle rolled her eyes. "Yep, they've been here longer than MingMing and I." Foxy wrapped her arm around Mangle. "That sucks.." She said. "Yeah, welcome to hell, Mari." Chica faked a smile. "It's not that bad.." She sighed. Foxy nodded. "Keep thinking like that, it'll save you for a time." Mari sighed. "Come on guys, we've only got a few hours until we have to work again. Let's just hang out." Chica sat down on the stage. The group sat together, softly conversing among themselves in the now quiet halls of Freddy's.

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