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Mike burst through the front door of his house, and slammed it shut, startling his father who was in the living room. "Mike, what are you doing home so early?" Mike turned his attention to his father, and the fear he had was replaced with anger. "You lied to me. I found him." He spat. "You found who, what?" His dad looked at the boy confused. "Don't play dumb with me. Why did you lie about this of all things? Was it a financial thing to keep Goldie, I don't understand." Realization crossed his dad's face. "I locked him away. How did you find?" Mike shook his head. "You should know by now that you can't hide anything in that place." His dad chuckled. "You'd be surprised." Mike narrowed his eyes at his dad. "What does that mean?" He questioned the man. His father shook his head. "Stop hiding things from me." Mike frowned at him. "There's things I have to hide." "Bullshit!" Mike growled. "Michael!" His dad snapped at him. "I can't believe you right now!" Mike turned around to go upstairs. "You don't understand, Michael there's things I can't tell you." "Maybe I want to understand!" He glared at him from the top of the stairs. "You could never." His dad shot back. "Fuck off." Mike muttered and went to his room, locking the door behind him. "Michael come!" His dad shouted at the bottom the stairs. "Fuck.." He muttered.

"What just happened?" Mari asked the group around her. "I think.. We killed him?" Freddy looked at his feet. "Just inside though." Bonnie clarified. "No I think he already was dead inside." Mangle giggled. Foxy nodded. "Oh absolutely." "Well that's beside the point." Freddy said. "I think he'll be okay, he just needs some time." Chica spoke up. "Yeah, he'll be fine in a few days. I'm sure we'll see him next week." Bonnie added. "Well, great.." Mari spoke softly and leaned against the stage. "Well what now?" Foxy asked. "I'd say sleep, but that isn't a thing for us anymore." Mari sighed. "I'm going to the cove!" Mangle announced. "I'm following that one." Foxy followed her sister to the cove. Mari nodded, and went over to the prize corner. She kneeled beside her box, and wound it up. It played a soft melody, and she slumped down inside of it, cuddling one of the plushies.

Monday afternoon soon became a thing, and Mari entered the cove. "I'm watching you child! Back off, this is my land!" Mangle screamed from the top of the ship's mast to a small brown haired, green eyed boy below her. Jeremy laughed at the fox, and Mari picked him up, putting him on her back. "Ming ming how on god's great earth did you get up there?" She asked. Mangle shrugged. "I climbed, duh." Mari smiled. "Okay then." Mangle swung down, off the ship in front of Mari. "It's Monday, we get a new night guard tonight." "Oh, was Fritz fired?" Mari questioned. "Nah, we just change em out every week cause they don't usually last long." Mari nodded "Noted.." "Sup nerds?" Foxy interrupted the two. "Foxy!" Jeremy smiled at her. "Hey kid." She smiled, and picked him up from Mari, putting him on her back. "Look at this small boy." Mangle giggled, and ruffled his hair. Jeremy laughed. "He is kinda small for.. How old are ya?" Foxy asked. "I'm ten!" He smiled proudly. "Yeah, small for ten." Foxy nodded. "He's always been pretty small." Mari said. "How do you know that, Mari?" Jeremy asked softly. Mari looked at him and stuttered softly. "Hey, let's go get lunch." Mangle spoke up, and took Jeremy from Foxy. She led him to the dining room, and he laughed as they raced to the table. Mari frowned as the boy faded from sight. Foxy put a hand on her shoulder. She looked back at her. "It's hard seeing the people you loved living, and growing without you.. But it gets better, Mari, maybe we'll be free again soon." Mari nodded. "Hopefully.." "Come on, let's play." Foxy grabbed her hand, and Mari smiled softly. "All right."

Mari watched as the last kids left, and the doors shut behind them. She turned back, and walked toward the stage where her friends now sat. "New week, new guard my dudes." Bonnie announced. "So let's pay them a little visit, huh?" Foxy smiled a toothy smile. Freddy led the way towards the office. A figure stood in the dark room, and he signaled for them to enter. "Welcome to Freddy's you fool!" He screamed. The person in the room jumped from their seat. "Dear God why?!" He screamed. Confused, Freddy tilted his head like a dog. "Wait, Mike?" Foxy asked. "Thanks for noticing." Mike muttered, and Chica flicked on the lights. "I thought you told me you couldn't work here cause you're too young." Mari said. "While that is true my dad let me work because he couldn't find anyone else, and it was the only way he could get me to talk to him about anything." He shrugged, and leaned against the desk. "I can't believe you're back so soon." Chica laughed quietly. "I debated it, but if it gets me out of the house I'm here." Freddy nodded. "I don't buy it." "What?" Mike looked to the bear. "I think you wanted to come back, but you were scared and needed a reason to come back." Freddy explained. Foxy nodded. "I think Faz Fuck is right." "Language." Bonnie muttered. "Okay fine, he's right. Just don't bring that fucking bear near me." Mike gave in. "Language." Chica muttered. "Right well, can we get on with our night?" Bonnie asked. Freddy nodded, and left the room. "Goodbye you little demon." Mangle waved and left, Foxy giggled behind her. "Later Loser." Mari smiled at the boy. "Later." He smiled back. "Remember young human, death is iminent." Bonnie told him. "What does that mean?" Mike looked at him. "It means unavoidable." He said as he left the room. "Right.." Mike nodded softly

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