Ch. 8

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Old Friends Part Two

A/N This Chapter was made by my best friend, so I'm going to leave it as is since I like it ~ Eclipse

Mangle had told Mari not to worry about the two men, but she couldn't help the nervous glances she gave them every couple of minutes. She near the main dining hall as much as she possibly could, keeping an eye on them like a predator after prey.

They waved at her sometimes, but she ignored them. She kept ignoring them for most of the day, but she got tired of it when they finally called her over. Mari sighed, and glanced back at Mangle who nodded for her to go. She reluctantly stepped over to their table. The closer she got the more nervous she felt. The nervousness quickly subsided though when Jack sneezed like a small kitten and nearly fell over. This caused Mark to roar with laughter. Hearing that reminded her of how they were before the.. Occurrence..

She stopped in front of them, and Mark caught his breath from laughing so much. "Hey! You ignoring us or something?" He feigned a hurt expression, putting his hand over his heart, and sniffled dramatically. Sean chuckled, and Mari rolled her eyes. "I guess you're so ugly my brain blurred you from things I care about." She said sarcastically. "Hey, I am sexy thank you!" He shot back, Sean snorted. "You wish." Mark glared at Sean. "Asshole." He said. "Language!" Chica shouted from two tables away. Mari smiled at Chica, and Sean cleared his throat, drawing her attention back to them. "Right, so what did y'all need?" Mari asked. Sean smiled "Who said we needed anything?" She looked down at her feet and sighed. Were they seriously just messing around with her now? She looked back up at them, and they stared at her expectantly. If she could blush she would. "Sorry, I zoned out. What was the question again?" They both chuckled at her. Their voices sounded distorted, creepy. She winced softly. "Nevermind, don't worry about it." Sean said, shaking his head. Mari shrugged, and looked at Mark. He was glaring at the floor, his eyes looked darker, and he was muttering something. "Mark?" Mari asked softly, her voice wavered a bit. His face visibly brightened up as he turned his attention to her. Sean looked back at Mark, almost like a warning glance. Mark sighed, and rubbed his temples. "Just a headache I guess." He shrugged, and Sean relaxed a bit. "So.. why did y'all come here? It's not exactly a place adults come for fun." Mark let out a soft chuckle. "This place is amazing, what do you mean?" "But you guys are just sitting here. I'd get it if you went to the arcade or something but.." She trailed off. Sean shrugged. "It's fun to watch ya' ignore us, then get flustered when ye' catch us starin' atcha. It's quite adorable." Mari looked down at her feet, to avoid there eyes. They both chuckled again. "Mari!" Mangle shouted from the cove. Mari sighed with relief. "What's up?" She called back as she quickly ran to the cove.

When she entered the room, she leaned against the wall and sighed softly. Mangle looked back at her and smiled. "I was wondering if you could play hide and seek with us, we need someone to be it." Mari nodded, and turned toward one of the corners, covering her eyes. She started to count. "One!"

Chairs scraped across the floor..


She heard people talking..


Then it was whispering..


It got silent


Screams filled her ears.. 

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